View Full Version : A Thank you to all

27-03-11, 07:35
I want to say that Anxitey is a pain in the BUTT, we all sit and wonder if we really have Anxitey, Ok lets take me for a moment, ive had more tests than i can think about, ive had well over 200 ECGs 2 ECHO'S, over 170 Blood Tests, 7 Xrays, 1 MRI Scan, 2 24 Hour Tapes of the heart, now i know some of you have only had a few tests and you still wonder if its Anxitey, if we are told its Anxitey we need to start to believe it is, i know most of us Google and ask other people if they suffer the same, some do some dont, but i was in a right mess i didnt believe anyone no matter what they told me.
I need you to know this and its so important, most of us have suferd days months and even years with this Anxitey and nothing has happend to us has it? we are still here talking living and worrying.
So really even if your heart races or you get pains or feel off balance what you need to understand that we are still here, we havent died we havent had a heart attack, but wait our minds will think hold on can my heart race like this for years without causing any damage, yes it can race and it wont harm us at all, all day for weeks on end, when we sleep our heart rate goes down this is a fact, the more we focus on our hearts the more it will race, if you feel your pulse DONT....this will make you more anxious, if you get pains in your chest dont worry alot of this is down to wind or even the way you lay or worry tension, for well over 1 year now ive worried so many days nights ive called 999 so many times saying help me, please please listen to me we are all fine i promise you, if you ever read any of my posts you will see how ive sufferd and the worrys ive had for so long now, Ive now for the past week not sufferd why you may ask, well ive had another 24 hour tape done and once again its come back clear, and ive stood my ground and said enough is enough, and do you know what ive got up done things been out ive even run around my block, and im still here and i thank everyone who has been there for me, everyone on here my doctor the Hospitals that put up with me for so long.
I know one day i will be back suffering as Anxitey does come back its never gone forever but i know if it does come back i will come here read my posts and tell myself here we go again but i know its anxitey, well God bless you all i know you can beat this i have and i will help as many of you as i can im here if you ever need me....Love to all Ian x x x x:bighug1:

27-03-11, 12:22
Well done Ian , great positive post :yesyes:

27-03-11, 12:26
Thank you for this post youre a real inspiration. :)

27-03-11, 12:46
thank you for the kind coments

27-03-11, 16:16
ian u went threw hell hun i know ive been ur friend for awhile ....ive been threw hard times with u and fun times ....and iam so happy that u realize thats u dont have a bad illness...and its all health anx....i no it seems so real at the time and u freak out about it but it does get better ....hope u can live a long happy live now that u put the worrrie behind u ....u seem alot more confident and thats great .....well ian i hope u coutuine to make the best of it and move on and leave ur fears behind u ......