View Full Version : Missed some tablets and feeling not myself

27-03-11, 08:34
Hi all, not been here for a while as i've been feeling great. This is my second time on cit and as usual it's been doing it wonders for me the past 8 months..... but the last week or so i've been feeling quite tired like my brain just wants to sleep and i keep yawning all the time with that slight sick feeling i got when i first started the tablets... i'm also now feeling that anxiety bubbling underneath....

I missed a few tablet last week on and off does anyone think it could be that that is doing this? I'm not sure whether to see my doc and ask to go up to 30 but i really dont want to do that if i dont have to?

Your help would be much appreciated. x

27-03-11, 11:48
Hi, by missing a few doses you could have opened yourself up to the wonderful world of discontinuation symptoms, but it could also be that you're experiencing minor side effects from going back on to the medication after the brief gap.

The third alternative is that you're simply experiencing a blip. Blips are going to happen no matter what dose you're on, because you're human and you can't always be in control of your emotions.

27-03-11, 13:54
Thanks for the advice.... I guess i'll just carry on as normal for now and hope for an improvement soon and take it from there.

27-03-11, 22:15
That's the spirit, don't fear the blips, I went through dozens of them and I'm still in one piece, so you'll be fine :)

Remember even though you feel better in general you've still got some recovering to do, so NEVER despair if you feel the anx starting up again, it's a part of who you are for now.