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View Full Version : how worried should i be?????

27-03-11, 09:37
i woke up in the middle of the night to a numbness in my right outer thigh i got up walked around and it still lingered there, it feels numb to touch and ive no pain at all. i still have it and im really starting to grow very concerned!!! i have had pain in my left foot for months and was thiking bone tumor and now i think it has spread to my thigh :ohmy: have slight stiff neck aswel. when i touch my thigh feels numb and different almost like i cant feel my touch. anybody have any idea what could be causing this? i work out every single day so couldnt be related to circularitry problmes...?

27-03-11, 09:46
now im thinking its blood clot or something oh god!!!!!

27-03-11, 11:41
i guess nobody had this before then? :shrug:

27-03-11, 12:17
Probably just the way you have slept ? I think peeps with HA read to much into things (me included) ! Every ache ,pain , numbness is always x 10 when you worry about it . Try being 45 then you will know what aches and pains are :roflmao:

I,m sure your fine , enjoy the rest of the weekend :yesyes:

27-03-11, 12:41
if you can move your thigh without problems or pain youre fine - real numbness means you cant move it - think back to how a dead foot feels if youve been sitting on it - you will have trapped a nerve in your sleep anxiety worsens this x 100 !!

Best of luck


27-03-11, 13:27
oh i know HA worsens everything! but now my mind is all over the place again was doin oh so good the past month :( im thinking its now MS because i have tingling and prickly skin grrrrrr im sure it will end up fine, every symptom i get ends up ok in the end but its still worrying and all my anxiety symptoms are creeping back at the same time :weep:

27-03-11, 13:29
i got it during the night it was prob from the way i was sitting or something. i sure hope its gone by tmrw!

27-03-11, 13:31
the more you focus on it the more it is there ! I promise there is nothing wrong

Take care x