View Full Version : Fear of dying!

27-03-11, 12:30
I have this terrible fear of dying young. I have three children and my biggest fear is i will get cancer or something and they won't remember me. It's starting to effect my life as every pain or bruise i think omg is it cancer and it's worse around the time of my period. Its just horrific anxiety. How can I shake this off! Every stomach cramp I'm like what's that every bruise etc.. It's exhausting!

Lele x

27-03-11, 12:39
I have the exact same thing, im 24 and have no reason to think this way but something inside me tells me to worry because i have reason to, the truth is, every symptom we have is nothing like the real thing - ie your fear is cancer and when you get a headache you think you have a brain tumor, i knew someone who had a brain tumor (cancerous) and she couldnt speak, open her eyes, eat, she was screaming in pain and it never ever went away - never. If you have a serious ailment, your symptoms never subside or ease, you just get worse and worse.

You have not got cancer, you have not got any reason to think you would die young. If youre in doubts about your life, take a walk through your local hospital during visiting hours the people you see there are nothing like you and that is real illness.

I hope this helps

Holly x

27-03-11, 12:53
Thanx Holly i know how silly this is and when I'm trying to talk myself out of it I just get this overwhelming wave of fear and it snowballs, it must be my period cause it's due as the beginning of the week I was fine... I think!

Hope your ok.

Lele x

27-03-11, 13:33
i too get this heightened anxiety during PMS/PMT - try taking vitamin b6 during this time it works wonders for a lot of women!!

Its not stupid, its perfectly normal its just anxiety makes you irrational

Think of your life and how happy you are to be living it not what youre afraid of to make you not live it

Take care x

27-03-11, 14:59
my biggest fear is dying young and leaving my children without a mother, its worse when i am due my period, one month the fear was so bad i refused to give my youngest girl a bedtime bath and i ade my hubby do it because i had this massive fear that i was going to die while she was in the beath and she would drown because shes still so small. its not as bad now as it used to be, i can get on with my everyday life now without it ruining it but when i am due my monthly it does come back and bother me a little, i try to just rest extra on these days, i forget about the stress of housework ect and just try to have fun on these days instead to distract myself from the fear. i also always think i have cancer, i have now convinced myself i have breast cancer, leg cancer, skin cancer, mole cancer, brain tumour, throat cancer ect ect, half of them arent even real cancers lol

it does get easier though, it wont be like this forever xx

27-03-11, 19:30
Thanx girls :hugs:

It's just so hard isnt it! Its always the same bloody nonsense about dying, Jen I am the exact same I've giving myself cancer of every body part I think :wacko: just wish my period would appear so I could get back to some normality.. Until next month :doh:

Thanx girls hope ur all having a nice Sunday

Lele xx

27-03-11, 19:39
hi, im same my biggest fear is dying leaving my kids and never seeing them grow up or them not being raised the way i want them to.

im like you jen. im carrying on with my life able to do allsorts now, but im bad this past few days and im dure on my periood this week it annoys me cos it heghtenes.
whats that vitamin your on about i dobt take meds but would be willing to take a vitamin

28-03-11, 09:31
Yeah I'm interested. Do you just take them while your on your period?

Lele x