View Full Version : ovarian cancer worry

27-03-11, 16:26
First im so sorry i need the reassurance from u all again, i hate feeling so crap..

i went to gp 10 days ago due to spotting mid cycle [which i have had many times b4] scared i have cervical cancer, i also said i had googled symptoms and was scared i had either cervical or ovarian cancer, as i also had lower back pain i have had for a long time following an accident.

my gp dismissed it completely, she did sound my tummy and gave me a thorough tummy exam feeling it completely and said everything sounded perfect.. since i have been to her spotting stopped and im now on my period as it has always been regular, but im scared witless i now have ovarian cancer.

sympoms i have read which is ones u have earliest
is abdominal pain bloating plus many more and to be honest i have none of them at all

the only pain i have found that i have and could be related is the lower back pain, and as i was involved in another accident 3 weeks ago its a little sore around my buttocks at times, not constant

today i googled the link between leg pain and ovarian cancer and im really scared as it says its near the pelvic area sciatic area and reading sciatica thats kinda like what i have around my buttocks..

im hoping someone can help me feel better as im so worried im going to die x

paula lynne
28-03-11, 00:15
Hi Katie, Im sorry you feel like this. Please be reassured that your GP has given you a clean bill of health. You know yourself that googling is the worst thing to do. Your back pain is probably from the fall, which can take a while to heal. I also get back pain on a period too. Youve also said you dont have any of the symptoms if your honest, so try to put it out of your mind now, as focussing on it will make your anxiety hit the roof. Go and distract yourself with a film, book, bath etc. Hope you feel better very soon x