View Full Version : The Difference...

27-03-11, 16:56
One of anxiety sufferers main concerns is how to determine which is health anxiety and which is general health ailment, if we get dizzy how do we know its anxiety and not general illness for example?

Wondered if anyone could help with this


27-03-11, 17:06
My CBT Therapist said to give each new symptom at least 2 weeks and if it's still there then go see your GP. Chances are if it's anxiety, within 2 weeks it would have come and gone.

27-03-11, 17:10
Hi Holly:)

this is the classic egg or chicken question isnt it ?
for me ..........only a doctor can tell for sure . So many symptoms mimic anxiety and physical illness needs to be ruled out of course . hence we get the health anxiety !!!
I knew in my heart that really all my heart racing and dizziness etc was stress ...........but am thankful that it was taken seriously by medics . didnt feel it at the time of course :blush:
so no ...........we cant tell I think AT FIRST .
once all investigations have been done .......the work required for us is to believe and read and educate ourselves . and Trust

good thread and thank you xx

27-03-11, 17:25
Thanks for the replies.

My question stems from last night.
I have been dizzy recently and now is accompanied by random chest pains which went away and came back, so i started to stress, then from nowhere i felt light and out of control almost, so started to panic, from there i felt like i couldnt get any breath in, i tried breathing in through my nose and i felt like i couldnt get enough air in so panicked more, my head got all light again my legs went wobbly my heart started racing i started crying and feeling like i might die and so had to be helped by my dad who calmed me down after a while, today i still feel unwell not quite myself but im worried that last nights episode was more than an anxiety attack even though all the symptoms point towards it...

What do you guys think?

Thanks again for all your support x

27-03-11, 18:10
hello :)
anxiety Holly .....it is the pits of hell .
if you had heart problem I would think you would have got worse and other symptoms [now dont you dare google !!!]
the hell escalates and before we know it we are dizzy ,heart racing ,going numb .
of course I am not a doctor and it would be very careless of me online to say otherwise .
but Holly .........had same symptoms ...........you calmed down with your dad.

but think it wont be bad idea to see doc tomorrow so he /she knows how bad you are feeling and can help xx
dont fret Holly honest xxxx