View Full Version : Hiya any1 got any advice on coping with anxiety?

27-03-11, 17:44
Hiya ive been suffering with anxiety for a few months now, im jus not sure how to control it, i feel like its controling me, does anyone have coping methods they could share???xx:)

27-03-11, 17:47
Hi emmi86

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

27-03-11, 17:52
Thank you, im happy to have found the site

27-03-11, 20:13
Hi Emmi,
I am currently on medication but exercise and distraction are good too. If you know what relaxes you try that. take some time out for yourself and think positive. I know its hard but it works for me !! Good luck !!!:flowers:

Vanilla Sky
27-03-11, 22:53
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

28-03-11, 08:06
Hiya thanks cassie and paige, will give it a go ill try anything x