View Full Version : Help! Just Anxiety?

27-03-11, 17:46
My question stems from last night.
I have been dizzy recently and now is accompanied by random chest pains which went away and came back, so i started to stress, then from nowhere i felt light and out of control almost, so started to panic, from there i felt like i couldnt get any breath in, i tried breathing in through my nose and i felt like i couldnt get enough air in so panicked more, my head got all light again my legs went wobbly my heart started racing i started crying and feeling like i might die and so had to be helped by my dad who calmed me down after a while, today i still feel unwell not quite myself but im worried that last nights episode was more than an anxiety attack even though all the symptoms point towards it...



27-03-11, 19:28

27-03-11, 19:50
It sounds hyperventilation..

Read a little more on the symptoms section of this page ... it's fairly near the top and headed Hyperventilation


Try breathing low and slow from your diaphragm ... hopefully someone will be along to give you precise instructions.

Practise each day so that this type of breathing comes more easily when you most need it.

27-03-11, 19:55
This may help .... hope it's okay to link to another site but there are helpful diagrams


28-03-11, 11:47
Hey Holly.
Sounds like a typical panic attack to me. My anxiety has been just like that lately, sometimes the symptoms are different sometimes the same which makes it hard to reason with yourself at the time! I actually had the same lightheadedness and feeling of falling today, can be a hard one to describe, although mine didn't follow onto a panic attack like yours did. The worry about more episodes are what makes panic disorder a disorder. You'll be fine, focus on things that occupy your mind positively and tell yourself that you don't care about the sensations, just ignore them and tell yourself you'll have some worry time a bit later and allow yourself 10 minutes later on to think about your worries.


17-04-11, 23:39
I feel like this almost all the time.