View Full Version : i feel different???

08-04-06, 18:04
I feel like my world is ending, i always try to go to my local pub with my pals but i watch them and think ur so lucky, im dying and ur living a life that i wish i could. im sorry to keep going on but everyone here surely knows how i feel, i want to get better i realy do. i get so lightheaded i think brain tumour i get nauseus i think cancer i get shaky i think passing out its horrible i think iu am actually dying. if i stand up i think im moving in the room like its spinning, before i go out i think **** what happens if this is the last time i see my family i feel ill every day i really hope i live my whole life.

i enjoy talking to people on here but i fear my days are numbered.

08-04-06, 19:15
katy i have no cure for you because this is my fear every day for 4 years or maybe more. my deep fear about my breathing has resurface dthis week with a week of really bad out of breath feeling. i

i too went out last nite to a glamourous event. dressed in a faboulous dress all i could think in my warped mind was how long have i got.

i looked as others up to 40 years older than me boogied all night long and drank for ireland as i not only feared for their safety i feared for my own

someone of us has to be wrong and it is me. for they are living life to the full. live until they die is their great moto

i hope too to be rid of this one day and would love to know how.

i know this is not a success story i give you katy but you are not alone. that is all i can give at the moment as i too am weary of it all


08-04-06, 19:59

Yes we all know how you feel. It is horrid but it will go. Read these for reassurance ...

Is Recovery possible
100% recovered?? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3368)
total cure? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3832)
home truths (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2398)
why me. this ruins my life. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4957)
How do you know when you're cured? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5673)

Have you signed up for the No Panic CBT course yet?


08-04-06, 20:56
Katy your not alone ..we feel what you feel.
Im on my own tonight kids are all away at family and my sister was going to pick me up and take me to my other sisters to have a drink as soon as they said BUT you will have to stay over, i thought thats it i cant... and it made me panic because i dont like to be away from my house for long.
My other mate is out having fun in town to night she asked me to come out with her,would i...no i didnt... stayed in still.. on my own completey ..no kids nothink... great life isnt it.

how are you getting on with ya tablets katy ???? i still have had the guts to start mine...im so worried..but im going to take half now..

nicola what course are you talking about ..

ashley x

08-04-06, 21:28

The No Panic telephone recovery course that they do. Look at www.nopanic.org.uk
