View Full Version : Can't breath in sleep - terrified

27-03-11, 19:45
I'm agoraphobic and social phobic (especially when it comes to the doctors/hospitals), and if I wasn't then the first thing i'd do is contact them but i'm too frightend.

I dream every night, and I'm one of those people that will feel pain when i'm asleep so if i have stomach cramps in real life they will just apprear in my dream.

Now i've started having sensations where i cannot breathe where i'm asleep, i'll just be having a normal dream like for example, dreaming i'm sat on a beach when all of a sudden i just cant breathe in or out, it's awful because I know i cant breathe, i know i have to wake up and i think i'm going to die, then when i do eventually wake up i'm gasping for air and my heart is pounding really fast.

Ive heard and read alot about this kind of thing, but NEVER that people actually know they cannot breathe, it's always the persons partner will find out first because they stop breathing, but to know it is actually happening and feel and live every second of it is terrifying and even worse that i cant find any reassurance from any one that they actually feel it too. I feel so alone, i'm so frightend that i'll die in my sleep but be very aware of what it going on.

Everything i've read says you need to go to hospital which i just cannot do, its stressing me out so much, and i'm having panic attacks and getting so upset.

27-03-11, 19:49
sorry chick are you sure its not night terrors.
i wake similiar to taht but im so worried about stopping breathing taht as im falling asleep or asleep im anic and it sounds very similiar to you

paula lynne
27-03-11, 22:39
Hiya x
I get this when I dream Im underwater and cant get to the surface....terrifying. I awake gasping for breath and very tearful, I feel like Ive actually been part of the dream and its horrible.

Are you particularly stressed at the mo? New meds? I know its awful, but there is no reason for you to stop breathing ok, its involuntary and your brain knows what to do. So please be reassured that although its terrifying, you will breathe ok.

Its sounds very upsetting as it feels so real, but you will be ok, and Im sure this will pass very very soon. Take Care, P x:hugs:

paula lynne
28-03-11, 00:08
Ps...I sleep with my window open, it helps when you feel fresh air coming in when you wake.x

10-04-11, 10:39
Thank you for your replies, sorry it's been so long to get back to you.
I'm pretty certain that i'm am stopping breathing, and it's not just a night terror.
It happened again last night, same thing, just dreaming about sitting in the car when all of a sudden i cant breathe in our out and I know it's going on too long and i have to wake up.
When i do wake up it's usually with a big snore and then my hearts pounding, im breathing really fast and my chest hurts.
I'm so frightend

10-04-11, 23:26

Oddly enough I have had this twice in the last week. Exactly how you have described it. Really freaked me out the first night so I know how you feel.

It's probably a result of one or two things.

Firstly, Have you got a cold/hayfever etc? Are you sleeping on your back?

It is common to get temporary sleep apnoea when you are blocked up. You will never just stop breathing in your sleep as your body will just wake you up. My husband says I breath irregularly in my sleep whilst I have a cold and worse if I am laying on my back. Try adding an extra pillow to prop up your head and sleeping on your side. Both these things will help I guarantee it.

Secondly, Were you particularly anxious or worried about something before it started? Sometimes when we are anxious our subconscious tries to work it out in our dreams. If you are feeling out of control it may be possible to have a nightmare where you "lose" control and you stop breathing. This may make you hold your breath ( rather like if you watch a film where someone is drowning or something and you hold your breath without thinking) and this in turn wakes you up. I very much doubt you stop breathing, rather you may have been holding your breath. Unfortunately you are then more likely to have a similar dream the following night because you are thinking about the previous night :mad:

Please don't worry though, it may be unpleasant but nothing bad is going to happen to you.


23-01-16, 23:23
I have had this it's horrible