View Full Version : I think Its my heart, shoulder pain both arms, toothache really anxious

27-03-11, 20:01
Hi there last night at 6pm I started to have really numb tongue, that went away a few hours later replaced by pain in my wrist, I had to take a valium to get to sleep then today I went out for a walk and both legs went all weak and I lost my balance a couple of times in the house I staggered a bit. I went to bed and got toothache when I woke up but I have 2 fillings needing done and now I have pain in both my arms at the top and at my left wrist. I am trying to think logically I have 2 fillings needing done quite big and my posture is really bad, and I have a sore neck so it could be that a trapped nerve, but what if I am missing something. I also had a normal ecg 6 weeks ago. Im really edgy I know if I phone nhs 24 they will send an ambulance for me. Could all this be muscle pain and anxiety. I dont know whether to take a walk up to ae not too far from my house. Or just take another valium if this was heart attack would it go on as long as this because I dont feel ill apart from the aches and pains.

paula lynne
28-03-11, 00:10
Hi, I dont think youre missing anything. It sounds like anxiety and panic. Your ecg was clear, so think on that ok. Any part of the body can feel numb with anxiety....I know its scary, but try to relax if you can, maybe call a friend? x