View Full Version : I don't feel particulartlu anxious and yet have symptoms...

27-03-11, 20:27
Hi everybody !

These 3 or 4 last days, I had a lot of flu-like symptoms, like nausea, tiredness, weakness in muscles, malaises. My forehead is very hot (I have to put a wet towel on it).

However, I don't feel particularly anxious. And this is what scares me a little (lol). I had a little panic attack today at the shop, I felt my feet become weak and then had a little of depersonalisation.

My question is simple: is it possible to feel symptoms of anxiety/panic attack without being anxious ? Because these past months I had been much more anxious than I am now.

Thank you for reading, and sorry for my spelling or my mistakes.

27-03-11, 20:40
Hi Froggy.

From personal experience..YES!

sometimes when im suffering lightheadedness and i try to tell myself this isnt anxiety as im calm then 5 mins later im in full blown panic that im gonna pass out i think deep down anxiety is always there in your mind 24/7

27-03-11, 20:55
thank you karl... You mean, anxiety can be quietly in our mind and just "spread" its symptoms while we are not conscious of it ?

27-03-11, 21:08
Pretty much yes. Its hard to explain.

Its always there even when we are not thinking about it.

Try to keep positive though as its the good times that help you thorugh it.

27-03-11, 21:41
Thank you, I'm much better than I used to be. But sometimes it's annoying, all those symptoms...

Now I have a weird sensation, like my eyes are oversensitive, the light in my room is dazzling me, and at some moments, I'm almost blind lol I have to blink a little...

28-03-11, 18:06
I feel a little bit worry now... I still have some flu-like symptoms... I feel weak, my legs and hands were weak today... My forehead is hot...

Is it possible that I have a virus ?

28-03-11, 18:29
Maybe you do have the flu?

Drink plenty of water and try to get plenty of rest and you will be feeling fine in no time at all :)

28-03-11, 19:03
I hope, thank you for your message, I will see in the next days how I feel... Just wanted to know if this was frequent to be pseudo-ill