View Full Version : panicing as i fall to sleep

27-03-11, 21:12
hi really hope smeone anyone can help im so scared right now
most nights as im falling to sleep i wake in a full panic cnvinced im not breathing or dying. some times i will have just fallen asleep when i wake with it,

thing is i always always thought it was my anxiety now ive read a post on here and wish i hadnt cos related it to me big time and im scared stiff right now that i have sleep apena and dont even really no what it is trying to resist googling

please help someone does anyone else suffer with this if not kind words and advic would be appreciated

27-03-11, 21:59
Hi, yes I do. I have sleep apnoea and ptsd... I sometimes wake up thinking I am suffocating or choking, on something like a pencil :( It's been the most terrifying experience of my life, and I've had a few! I take ad's and zopiclone now, and it's become slightly less scary.. My heart used to pounding so hard that I was convinced it would explode :( I think sometimes it can also be related to adrenal exhaustion? Good luck x

27-03-11, 22:18
hello... please dont worry.... ive had that since christmas, its now gone and i keep waking in the night.. not sure which way id rather!!!
it was awful, i always loved going to bed and for some reason (always had health anxiety but no probs sleeping) it just started.... just as i was nodding off or 5 mins after i would jump up taking in a big deep breath and panic.. didnt understand because id felt ok before id gone to bed... its just your body relaxing and your not ready for it as with us, i spose we dont do it often enough lol..
ive been through some really stressful times lately and now its coming to an end its like my bodys gone in to a state of anxiety, bit like post traumatic stress... its crap aint it!!? its really really common though so please dont panic, just try to go with it and it will eventually stop.. take care... xx:hugs:

27-03-11, 23:28

I have the exact same symptom. I don't necessarily think I am stopping breathing or am dying but on a regular basis but just as I am drifting off to sleep I will awake in a sudden panic; breathless, heart racing, sometimes even crying out or moaning. This is ALWAYS just as I am dropping off to sleep, or in the earlier stages of sleep (i.e. in the first half hour).

I think it's surprisingly common. I've always found it difficult to cope with these symptoms when they have happened; but the best way I find to try and prevent it is make sure you get plenty of exercise during the day (even if it is just going for a walk for half an hour or so before bed) and make sure you have a good sleep routine. The body and mind loves regularity and routine and I find I am always worse when my life and, particularly, nights are a bit hectic.

When it is happening there is not a lot to do. I like to have someone to reassure me. But if that is not possible maybe write yourself a note or get yourself a poster that just lets you know everything is ok and have a look at it when you wake up in a panic. Then turn over and try to get back to sleep. Let your anxious mind know that no matter how hard it tries you want to sleep and it won't stop you.

But, you're not alone. I have had this symptom for some time and when I was at my worst I could go 3-4 days on only a few short naps because of this and the subsequent fear of it.
I hope you find some respite from it and get a comfy sleep soon.

:) We're all with you wishing you well! But, if it gets too much in the night, people will still be on here in the small hours to give you reassurance and advice. :)

28-03-11, 03:24
Hi. After splitting up with my partner I went through a phase where I woke up several times a night in a panic gasping for air. I put it down to the uncertainty of being alone and told myself it was a phase that would pass. When I woke up I would sit up gasping for air but when I realised what was happening I took deep breaths, lay back down, turned over and went back to sleep. I didn't let the attacks frighten me and although they plagued me for a few months they did eventually go away. Please try not to worry about the attacks. It is just anxiety and it cannot harm you (even though it does feel awful). Take care, and sweet dreams. :flowers:

*I just want to add that sleep apnea just means that at some point during the night your airway is obstructed causing a pause in your breathing. Snoring is a form of sleep apnea. It is not usually harmful. The symptoms you describe do not suggest sleep apnea. If you had sleep apnea you wouldn't wake up panicking, you would simply be tired the next day. Once again, the symptoms you describe do NOT match sleep apnea.

28-03-11, 16:39
thank you for all your replies i didnt come backl on last night cos i just decided to stop winding myself up and relax, had a good nights sleep anxiety wise bad cos little one rnning a temo but im feeling better been busy all day and for once feel i could drop on my feet xx thank you so much for putting my fears to rest