View Full Version : Ectopics back again... so upset can't stop crying

27-03-11, 21:22
I don't really know why I'm posting here to be honest, I'm just so upset. I started getting ectopic beats a few yrs ago and got checked out. All put down to anxiety. They went away for a good 12-18 months, and I really thought it was just a phase and I had 'grown out of it'. Unfortunately, they returned with a vengeance. Again, they stopped after a while and I haven't had any for a good 9 months or more (although I have been getting other occasional weird heartbeats/flutters).

Anyway, I started taking propranolol again about a week ago, to help with my anxiety and constant fast heart rate. They havent made a huge difference so far, but I'm only taking 10mg tablets 2 or 3 times a day, but my prescription is for 1-2 tablets, 3 times a day, so I could take up to 60mg a day if i wanted. So this morning when I got up I felt a few faint fluttery things and thought "i hope they're not back again". Tonight, they are back with a vengeance. I'm so gutted, this is like the 3rd time that they have returned after a long period without them, and it's just heartbreaking. I really struggle to ignore them and get on with life. I'm not sure if it's because I'm still not totally convinced that they are harmless, or just that they feel so awful that I can't just accept them.

They are not just every now and then, or even once a minute, they are like every few seconds. They also come in runs of a few at a time. I'm feeling so sorry for myself and I know there are people with worse problems than this but I'm just so upset. I don't know how to deal with these awful things :weep:

27-03-11, 21:48
Hi ann, sorry to hear you are sad:bighug1:
I m sending you a big hug,
If you are concerned you must speak to your doctor immediately, just to put your feelings at rest.
If you keep thinking about them you will start to feel worse, you have done it before and coped and you can do it again!!!!
If you are Stressed go back to the Doctor and tell him exactly how you feel, its only natural you want reassurance from a medical expert!!
x angie

27-03-11, 22:25

Thanks so much. To be honest I don't think there's much point in me going back to the docs, I've been so many times about ectopics/irregular beats that there's not a lot more they can say. I also saw a cardiologist recently and have another appt in June. I think the last appt left me more worried than anything. I had an echo test, and afterwards the hospital contacted me to say I needed to go for another. I said there must have been some mistake, and this went back and forth until after a couple of days the cardiologist called me to apologise for the mistake, and said that they did want me to go for another echo but another cardiologist had also seen the echo and decided it was fine, so i didn't need one. So now I keep thinking what was it on the test that they picked up? I know logically they wouldn't say it was ok if it wasn't, but I'm still worried about what they were unsure of.

Also, I was trying to get the cardiologist to confirm that these ectopics are harmless, no matter how many I get, and all he would say is that I am in the 'low risk category'. Everything else I have read says that they are harmless and don't increase the risk of heart attack, so why wouldn't the cardiologist confirm this?!

27-03-11, 22:39
My experience of cardiologists (my husband had a heart attack over a year ago, nothing to do with your symptoms, he is also a insulin diabetic which caused his heart probs, yep he is an old croc!!), is that they are brutally honest people they tell you as it is, so i feel they wouldnt hide anything from you. It sounds like you know about your condition. Have you been stressed about anything else recently, that could have overloaded your anxiety levels to a state of panic.
Keep taking the drugs if your doc advises it!!:flowers: when Rob had a heart attack i got him to join a group called Hale & hearties which is based in Redditch, they meet every week twice, and found it gave him support to carry on, knowing he could talk to people who have been through similar experiences!
What about if you joined a group with people that experience the same things?
There is nothing like talking to people!

27-03-11, 23:15
Hi again,

I'm sorry to hear about your husband, I hope he has recovered well. Do you suffer with anxiety?

You're probably right, the cardiologist wouldn't hide anything from me that I need to know about. I just wish I could accept them and get on with my life, but I guess it comes with anxiety so until I get rid of the anxiety, I probably won't get rid of these damn things. I also have panic attacks and agoraphobia, so going to a weekly meeting would probably be a problem for me at the moment. I do find that this site is great for making me feel better, as I can read about other people that are having similar problems to me, and it helps to reassure me that I am not about to drop dead!

My doctor said recently that there is nothing in this world that is 100% positive, no test they can do that is ever 100%. That's my problem - I want a doctor to tell me "There is absolutely definitely nothing wrong with your heart and you are not going to die of a heart attack any time soon". Unfortunately that's not possible, and I just need to accept that I've had lots of tests and they are all clear, and that's the most that can be done.

Thanks so much for replying; I really appreciate it. :)

27-03-11, 23:27
hiya hun,,i know the feeling with the ectopics,,i had years free of them then they bounced back with a vengance,,i was near to tears the other night i was sat happily watching tele when i had the longest flutter crop up outta nowhere,,frightened the life out of me,,i nearly went into a full blown panic attack just caught it in time,,they are horrid little devils arnt they,,but ive had them on and off for over twenty years now,,you,d really think id have stopped worrying about them by now wouldnt you lol,, hope your feeling better now though

28-03-11, 00:05
I suffer very bad anxiety. Until Rob had a heart attack i was always concerned about having on myself, but i have been with rob all the way with his cardiac rehab and the drugs he takes prevent him having another one, yes he still worries, but he has learned to live with heart disease and being insulin diabetic, he has no thyroid and his eyes are slightly damaged ( he has the full set of ailments, but i love him hahaha). Just take care of your self and you must try to stop worrying.
The facts are that ALL the tests are negative and you must program your mind to believe and trust that fact.
I suffer from HA anxiety myself, mine is Cancer at the moment espicially lymphoma, beacuse i get night sweats which could be a sign of it. Im off for tests tomorrow.
Until i see the results im on tender hooks as well!!! Roll April 7th results time.

29-03-11, 23:28
I know exactly how you feel. I've been getting them for 4 years now. They seem to go for a while then come back with vengence. They are back tonight and im feeling so anxious about them. I always have that dreaded thought in the back of my head, what if!!! I know it's about exceptance and learning to just live with them but easier said than done.
I guess its reassurring to know there are many people with the same thing xx

30-03-11, 07:20
Hi Ann.
Been there, done that......and doing it still!! Mine are just like yours. I get runs, I get them every other second sometimes. At the moment mine are making me feel like there's a heaviness or lump in my throat, so as much as I try to ignore them and keep moving, I can still feel the throat and know that they are going on! I won't check my pulse because it scares the heebies out of me. I have found that telling myself that it's ok, they're here at the moment but they will pass, I will be calm and all will be well really helps. Unfortunately once we become aware of them it only takes a second of doing too much or being overwhelmed and BANG! There they are again.
Take comfort knowing you aren't alone. There will be better days so have gratitude for these.

Kel x