View Full Version : Inspiration

08-04-06, 20:14
Hi All

This is not about a member of NMP, (at least I dont think it is) but it is a story that can be used as an object lesson to anyone suffering from depression and anxiety. Do you all remember the tv series the royale family, it was about a slothful family. The writer and star of that suffered from depression and anxiety to such an extent that she couldnt perform or write any more, (you may also remember from the mrs merton series). Over the last six years (yes its been that long since she wrote or preformed) she has battled against depression and anxiety and has come out on top. To such an extent that she has written and is starring in a feature length version of the royle family to be screened on the tv later in the year.

The reason I think that this story is so pertinent to nmp is that if she cand itt with all the pressures of the media and being in the limelight etc wich must have been hell for her, she has manged to come out on top, If she can do it with all those pressures that anyone at nmp should hold her up as a role model and try to emulate her.

Incidently it is a well none fact the Winston Churchill, (ppossibly one of the greatest englishmen that ever lived) Also suferred from depression, and he managed to lead this country to victory during WWII. So there is hope for all


08-04-06, 21:04
I think we all find our own sources of inspiration and it is great if this celebrity is helping you to have hope for the future.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

09-04-06, 08:51
Hi Keith...

Yes it is amazing isn't it. I didn't know that and I think she is brilliant although I am now tortured because I can't think of her name!!!

I am very glad to hear she is recovered - it is inspiring to hear of people who get back on top of things!


Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

09-04-06, 09:11
Caroline Aherne ;)


"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"