View Full Version : exhausted

28-03-11, 00:41
anyone know much about sleep deprivation? i've had a life-long social phobia but have coped in various ways. its just these last few weeks somethings changing. insomnia's always been a problem but not to this degree. i've averaged about one hours sleep a day for three weeks now. it feels like madness. like watching myself from outside not sure what my brain willl do next. typing this is difficult because my eyes cant focus. i begged my GP to tranquilize me just for one day but he thinks im drug-seeking. i'll probably forget i've typed this. would appreciate any advice or an experience i can relate to. will i eventually break down or should i be more worried if this doesn't end

28-03-11, 01:15
Hi jlo I'm sorry you are feeling that way :( . To me sleep deprivation is the worst and I know exactly what you mean.

I certainly recommend I can make you sleep by Paul McKenna. It helped me alot in the past.

Good luck and I hope you get some sleep soon x

28-03-11, 02:53
I'm sorry to hear you are feeling this way. Sleep deprivation is no joke. I think your Dr should be more supportive about this. Could you go back or maybe even see another Dr? As another poster has said, a relaxation CD before bed might help. I hope you feel better soon. :flowers:

29-03-11, 03:53
Have you ever tried over-the-counter sleeping tablets Jlo? They're not a long term solution to sleep deprivation, and all insomnia normally has a hidden cause or trigger, perhaps another issue that drives it. It often isn't until the route cause is found that insomnia can be dealt with. I know this because I've been there, haven't slept well in about a year and 3 months ago seeked help, and in doing so realised that actually I'd been feeling so generally low and socially inept because I had depression too. I've been told that the insomnia will stop once I've sorted the depression, and I'm looking forward to the resolution.
The other thing is that you have to attempt to reset your sleeping pattern.
10 Tips to beat Insomnia:
1. Keep regular hours, get yourself into a routine
2. Create a suitable sleeping environment - no noise, okay temperature, low light.
3. Make sure your bed is comfortable!
4. Exercise regularly (the old 'wear yourself out' theory)
5. Drink less caffeine, especially in the evening!
6. Don't overindulge - Too much food or alcohol can interrupt your pattern
7. Don't smoke - It's bad for sleep :/
8. Try to relax before going to bed - Light from a screen won't help this. Swap your television and computer for a book before bed, trust me, it'll help!
9. Write away your worries - Either in the form of lists of things that need to be done, or indeed by keeping a diary!
10. Don't worry in bed - If you can't sleep, don't lie there worrying about it. Get up and do something until you feel sleepy again, then return to bed.

Btw, just search for "Sleep Music" on Youtube, there are loads of great and helpful videos on there!

Hope this helps, good look getting some sleep soon :)