View Full Version : Can you pull a muscle in the back of your head?

28-03-11, 12:01
I had a sick bug and was vomiting all Friday morning, I don't know if I have pulled a muscle being sick or it could be that I slept funny as we have had both our boys in our bed taking up all the room as they are poorly.
Anyway it hurts my neck and kind of goes up into the back of my head. It's ok to put my head back and forward but hurts when I turn my head to my right side.(the pain is slightly towards the left) It feels like a Pulled muscle, but I didn't realise this was possible. Now my HA is getting the better of me and I'm worried :(

paula lynne
28-03-11, 12:13
Hi Dreena, it sounds like the pulled muscles in your neck is causing tension which has radiated up into the back of your head. Try a muscle rub/warm bath etc, Im sure it will improve in a day or two.x

28-03-11, 12:19
Thank u. It doesn't go too far into my head, just as far as that neck muscle goes up in to my head if that makes sense? I would visit the GP but iv already paid £50 today for my 2 boys to be seen, and for me it will be £35 and just can't afford £85 doctors bill this week :( that's why I thought I'd get some advice on here x

paula lynne
28-03-11, 12:26
Wow! Thats a lot of money! Try self massage, or ask someone to do it for you. Lying on a hot water bottle really helps, it opens the blood vessels and helps ease the tension and pain. Get well soon x

28-03-11, 12:42
Thank you I will try that tonight, sure my huband will give it a massage.... And yes everything in this island is stupidly overpriced, not just the doctors lol thanks for the advice x