View Full Version : hi to everyone

28-03-11, 14:39
Hi everyone just thought say hello.

My names Scott ive been suffering with panick attacks and deppresion for quite some time now but didnt seek any help mainly due to my intense fear of docters.Anyway i took the plunge and went to the docs who perscibed me 20mgs of Citalopram.The side effects drove me crazy for three weeks but iam starting to feel much better now.
My wife of 20yrs has told me she wants to seperate,i think shes just had enough of me and my illness i suppose this is what happens when your as stubborn as me and dont seek help.Can anyone advise me as to weather to up my citalopram to try and help a little,iam not in a good place at the moment but iam gonna battle my way through.Iam really sorry for mixing my illness and marriage in my introduction but i need to be honest,thanks for listening,rgds scott.

28-03-11, 14:40
Hi scottboy

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

28-03-11, 14:58
Hi Scott and welcome :)

I don't have any exp of anti deps as i flat out refuse to take them as i'm scared to death of the side effects :( i'm sure they would help me with my depression so it's encouraging to read someone who has stuck with them and felt better.
So sorry to hear about your problems with your wife, it's a sad fact that anxiety can lead to frustration for wives/husbands/partners indead families in general, i would say if you are suffering and feeling low then go to docs (hard for you i know) but maybe ask for a telephone consultation and ask if you should up your tablets, don't just increase them yourself, tell the doc that it's hard times for you at the mo and you need more help, please don't ignor things out of stubborness (can't spell that sorry).

Hope things get better for you, have a good read of the forums there is always someone here to help :)

Kind regards
Sharon :)

28-03-11, 15:18
I've been on citalopram for 6 years and have been on various doses from 10 - 40. I usually take 30 as that seems to work best for me, and then reduce to 20 if things are going well.
I know when to increase it for myself now, but if I do, I always go and see my GP to talk about it and get some advice and just check it's OK to do that.
I've tried 40 mg but I just felt numb all the time so came back to 30mg and that seems to be best for me. I treid a few before but most made me very ill. The only side effect I get with citalopram is feeling thirsty a lot which I can cope with!

I'm sorry to hear about your wife - that must be awful, especially the way you are feeling now anyway. i think that once you've got your dosage right and are feeling better and stronger you will be able to deal with the situation and hoepfully sort things out.

28-03-11, 16:59
Thankyou for your replys its nice to be able to speak to like minded people.

My biggest concern at the moment is my son whos 20 and works for me,so were very close hes takin this very badly and i just dont know what to say to him.
Anyway ive just booked my docters appointment to discuss my medication,i also have an appointment with the mental health people.I really hope people learn by my mistakes and seek help straight away.Thanks for your help so far its brightened my day as ive no one really to discuss things with thanks again rgds scott.