View Full Version : Terrified that I might have stomach cancer. Please help!

28-03-11, 14:46

I can remember suffering these symptoms for around two years, maybe three but they have increased in intensity tenfold. My main symptom is an often very intense pain in my upper abdomen area which often radiates through to my back. My second most prominent symptom is bloating. I often feel like I have a bloated stomach even when I haven't eaten or only eaten very little. I also feel at time to time, acidy, belching, flatulence, coughing, hoarse throat in the mornings, sore throat, high temperature, constipation, upset stomach, nausea (but never vomiting) I usually get the pain after my first meal of the day and it stays with me in variying degrees until the next morning.
I've just had blood tested and it tested fine for everything. Liver is good. Pancreas is ok. H.Polyi negative.

I am in an eviroment which is very stressfull and my stress levels are at a high constantly. Could this be producing my symptoms?

I have the pain now. All I've eaten is some low fat houmous, carrot and pepper sticks and drank water. What is going on? Please help!

28-03-11, 15:11
Hi Erica

I suffered with exactly this for many years and it made me feel very ill at times. I was also scared I had some incurable disease. I was sent for a barium meal exray which showed absolutley nothing. I took some medicine from the doctor after every meal called Kolanticon (I think that's how it was spelled) and it sits on top of the food in your tummy and stops the reflux and acid. When I eventually had a better spell stress wise all the symptoms disappeared so I think you can safely say that yes. stress can cause all of that and more. Ask for an xray though if you're not happy, barium meal is fine. You just drink some liquid which shows abnormalities on the xray.

I do hope you feel better soon.


28-03-11, 15:32
Thank you, Fran.

I'm so nervous I'm in pain. It's crazy. He is putting me on the waiting list for an endoscopy. I'd rather have the barium meal though! Sounds better.


28-03-11, 15:35
Oh bless, I'm sure the endoscopy will be fine and at least it's very thorough and you will have your mind eased.