View Full Version : Hello

28-03-11, 15:23
Hi all,

Just joined this forum, I am a 32 year old male, and have been suffering panic attacks and by extension I guess a form of mild agorophobia as well.

I used to suffer severe panic attacks many years ago when I was in my early to mid twenties, when I used to get heart palpitations and the like, once even had to call 999 and was taken to hospital by ambulance, they did an ECG etc but nothing found.

Since, I have also had several blood tests but again nothing untoward found.

They then seemed to go away as I got on with my life but they have returned in the last 6 months or so.
This is especially strange as I have nothing to be anxious or stressed about at the moment. I have a good stable job, married and with a kid on the way.

My wife thinks I make it up but its hard for her or any1 to comprehend how scary it feels when you are going through it.
Plus, apparently guys don't get panic attacks, only girls which is a little embarrassing.

28-03-11, 15:24
Hi bubloo

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

paula lynne
28-03-11, 15:34
Hi, welcome to the forum, great to have you on board. Its a bit of a myth about guys not getting anxiety/panic....but I was surprised when I joined here at the amount of guys here...you'll find lots of help and support here, and make some good mates along the way.

The frustrating thing about anxiety, is that it can jump up and bite you just when youve forgotten about it, or have dealt with it years ago. There seems no logical reason for it to start, and trying to work out why will drive you insane. Try to remind yourself youve been here before, and by using this forum Im sure youll find loads of new useful tips to help you deal with this once again. Congratulations on the immenant arrival of your little one by the way!:welcome:

28-03-11, 15:39
Hi, welcome to the forum, great to have you on board. Its a bit of a myth about guys not getting anxiety/panic....but I was surprised when I joined here at the amount of guys here...you'll find lots of help and support here, and make some good mates along the way.

The frustrating thing about anxiety, is that it can jump up and bite you just when youve forgotten about it, or have dealt with it years ago. There seems no logical reason for it to start, and trying to work out why will drive you insane. Try to remind yourself youve been here before, and by using this forum Im sure youll find loads of new useful tips to help you deal with this once again. Congratulations on the immenant arrival of your little one by the way!:welcome:

Thank you, strangely enough, my wife has noted a strange corelation between the panic attacks starting and her getting pregnant.

Now there should be any link, as the pregnancy was planned and I there is nothing there to cause me anxiety, but guess you never know.

The subconscious works in mysterious ways.

paula lynne
28-03-11, 18:37
Its perfectly natural to worry about having a baby, such an upheaval, so many changes, financial, emotional, the intense love, the worry...the absolute joy of it.....maybe your subconcious is reacting to these unspoken worries/fears etc?
Even if you havent noticed these feelings, doesnt mean to say your brain/body hasnt.....as you say, the subconcious works in mysterious ways!

How do you think you can move forward with this anxiety? There seem so many options. A lot recommend CBT, some meds, some natural approach (aromatherapy and breathing techniques), some reading, music..the list is endless. What do you think you can do thats right for you at this point?