View Full Version : Relapse!

28-03-11, 15:49
Hello Guys

Just looking for some reasurrance on this deep down i hope this is all anxiety related but i get really scared..

Ive gone from having everything from mouth cancer to MS in the space of 2 weeks

basically in december i lost my job and lots of money worrys popped up which stressed me out bigtime and eventually the anxiety started again after about a year of being fine.


Lightheaded constantly with stuttering vision
eye floaters gotten worse
Panic attacks
Jaw clicking and locking up
ringing ears
headaches and neck ache down the left hand side
Tingling arms and legs
rough patch on pallett of mouth and small lump on gum behind my teeth (painless)
constant feeling as if i can feel my heartbeat throughout my whole body

i went to A+E the other night as i got really scared of stuttering vision they said i seem healthy and its probably anxiety but its there constantly and in the past ive found anxiety problems to come and go.

My blood pressure at A+E was 150 / 80 when i first got there i think this was down to panic. As when it was taken again after a chat with a Dr which calmed me down it was 128/82 which is still not ideal for a 24 yr old!

Everyone keeps telling me its nerves and anxiety but i just cant seem to listen. I had blood test about my dizzyness which i get results of on thursday

i just cant cope with the constant lightheadedness and drunk feeling also the floaters in my eye are really bothering me.


28-03-11, 17:32
Definately sounds like Anxiety symptoms Karlwirral ..Floaters and dizzyness are also symptoms .Once you get your blood result back you must try to accept this .and learn some relaxation skills .Sounds like this was all brought about by losing your job .Stress often causes a bout of anxiety .Look into managing your stress levels for the future .It will stop this from happenning ,recognising potential triggers is a must if you suffer like this .Good luck with the job hunting and blood test .Doesnt sound like theres anything to worry about with that tho .T/c sue

28-03-11, 17:37
Thanks for the reply suzy. Thinking on i had a inner ear infection in febuary and some of my dizzyness maybe being caused by that. I know i do panic alot when i get my symptoms and that does make me 100 times worse.

I will get through this as i have done before :)

28-03-11, 17:57
all your symptoms seem to line up with anxiety. My therapist says when these symptoms come on, the more you pay attention to them the worse they become. He says to ignore them... Yes I know thats not easy to do but thats what he says. He also says to take deep breaths and try not to worry because the more you worry the worse they become. Try to replace the worrisome thoughts with something else.

29-03-11, 10:30
hi guys,

well i am in exactly the same boat. my anxiety reared its ugly head in 2009 buy feb10 i was having cbt and on cit 20mg. after treatment by july 2010 i finallly finished my meds and cbt and thought i was free! this was until 10 days ago,i had had a few drinks on sunday night and woke up feeling lightheaded mon. i worried myself and now i have had nausea,lightheaded,heavy legs,fatigue. i really thought that over the past 6-7 months i had come out the other side. i had alot of stress with my mum passing awsay but still the anxiety was under control. i am back to my old ways now. googling brain tumors,visitin my gp every other day,going to a&e,checking my bp and reading health a-z books and generally feeling like the worlds against me right now.

the docs have given me meds for labyrinthitis(inner ear infection) tho i know from experience that will not help. i also know that its more than likely anxiety again but cant control the negative thinking of brain tumors or anurysums.

so you can relapse but its important to remember that anxiety can be beaten,i have done it once and i will again but perhaps sometimes we have to realise that maybe we mite need tablets long term! :(

take care peeps!!! and dont let it beat you! :)


29-03-11, 15:38
Hi Mike

It sounds as though you need to go through your CBT stuff again and revise it, as if it worked before, it will work again now. Relapsing into anxiety is crappy - I know as I've done it a number of times before.