View Full Version : pressure headaches, dizziness and unbalanced.

28-03-11, 16:52
hi all, first off let me say that i've suffered from anxiety and panic for only a few months, so it's pretty new to me. i posted in another topic about my symptoms - my dizziness is the thing that disables me the most. i probably have an inner ear problem and am seeing a neurologist tomorrow. i'm just worried things won't move quick enough and i won't feel better. it's a really important time of my life and i need to be 'on it' all the time.

i feel like my head is really heavy, and i have a huge pressure inside it. i feel dizzy all the time and start walking to the side when i'm walking down the road, i avoid supermarkets and shopping centres. i've also been having really bad headaches for days. it also feels like my eyes are giving up on me, i'm straining to see things clearly and basically i feel in a bubble. it makes me feel so nauseous too. i went and had a full eye check a month ago and everything was 'fine'.

this question has been asking many times but is it really just stress and anxiety? i honestly think i'm suffering from a brain tumour and everytime my left arm goes numb i think i'm having a heart attack. it really scares me, and i really think an early death is at my door! :scared15: my head just feels like it's too small!

i guess i just need some reassurance, i know i'm lucky to get a quick appointment at the neurologist - has anyone else been before? i don't know what to expect. i keep going home sick from work because i can't stand up and walk around, i literally don't have time to feel like this anymore and i'm worried that things won't move quick enough with the doctors.

28-03-11, 16:56
oh i forgot to add that sometimes my depth perception is really odd - like i can't figure out how far away things are. which doesn't help my 'fear of brain tumour' anxiety!

28-03-11, 16:59
Hi Missmulberry

Im suffering the same symptoms as you at the moment. However im convinced mine is inner ear related as i had a nasty ear infection in febuary. However i have had blood tests to rule out anything else which i get the results for thursday.

my headaches seem to have gotten a little better these last few days but i seem to be constantly light headed and my vision is sort of jumpy like when i look at something it shakes. And i get tinnitus

Hope you get sorted soon though as i know how bad this can make you feel. If you need a chat about any of the symptoms feel free to message me.

28-03-11, 17:19
yes! i also get really bad tinnitus. my mum suffers from an inner ear problem as well so i'm not sure if it's genetic...and i think i know deep down that my anxiety and stress just make it worse because i think i'm dying, but it's just so disabling :(
glad someone understands! :)

28-03-11, 17:23
If you research inner ear problems. One of the most common symptoms is anxiety because people dont know why they feel like this and become more anxious about it therefore getting into a vicious circle im going to ask to be referred to a ENT on thursday when i see my GP because if i can get to the bottom of this then i can start my road to recovery.

04-04-11, 16:59
When i read this thread i wanted to cry!!
Your symptoms are EXACTLY like what i have suffered over the last 6 mths.
My doctor originally said labyrinthitis but i can get worse or slightly better over the course of a day and so i wonder about anxiety affecting this dizziness or even causing it?

I can't imagine for the life of me how anxiety could be making me feel so shite all of the time though???? Is this really possible???

I am going to push for ear tests i think and try to work out the actual cause.
Hope you all feel better soon as this is very disabling and sucks :/