View Full Version : What's the most symptoms you've had at any one time?

28-03-11, 18:08
Sometimes it can be so bad for me, I'll have lightheadedness with headache, dizziness, throat tightening, breathing problems, tight chest, nausea, tingling, burning skin, sweating, swallowing problems, aches, the list goes on and sometimes they can last for hours, no end, until I have to go to bed.
Does anybody else get so many at one time?

I've been getting these like daily for the past month, every day without fail I get nearly all, I'd say I spend at least 60% of my days feeling like this :(

paula lynne
28-03-11, 18:42
Ive just tried to think about how many sensations I get when I was at my worst....its about 14 an each of them are horrid. I still get bad panics, but allow them to happen safe in the knowledge they cannot harm me. I know its scary, but the more you fight, the harder it will fight you back. Maybe take a different approach, what have you tried in the past? P x

28-03-11, 19:07
I think my main one must be palps and skipped beats, and sometimes chest pain. I know full well it's not harmful, but when I am at my worst no amount of talking will convince me that it's harmless

01-04-11, 10:38
i can get so many and different ones all at the same time but always get -
shortness of breath
feeling that something bad is going to happen
tight knot in stomach

01-04-11, 14:36
I think Paula's got it spot on here - you have to accept the sensations and just let them go. As you as you focus on them, they'll stick around. Having said that though, it's very difficult when it seems as though you're beseiged by it.