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becks xxx
28-03-11, 18:16
Can anyone tell me if this is normal or you have got this before?
My anxiety always gets worse around the week before my period, i think i get bad pms, this week everything gets put on hold
I always seem to get thoughts during this week about not wanting to be here anymore, but they usually come and go
Yesterday however it came and my therapist once told me this thought comes under a suicidal thought... So of course yesterday when the thought came, it being a suicidal thought came too. This time was different seemed to come with so much force and a lot more powerful and i got really scared!! Especially then thinking it's a suicdial thought, that then triggered thoughts about being suicidal. I know im not suicidal at all but i felt so not in control of my thoughts that i started to question what if i just lost control of myself bla bla... It did calm down however now it's scared me i seem to constantly be reminding myself
That was the last day of pms as i've come on today but was so scary!!!!!
Is this an irrational thought? I'm gonna go doctors some time during the week see if i can get something for this pms. I'm worried about telling my counselor about this too as im scared he'll make me go to a nuthome or something... Thanks for replies in advance!! X

29-03-11, 23:39
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becks xxx
30-03-11, 10:12
Thanks soooo much chris! That has helped loads, really appreciate it
Would that also go for thoughts i've had before: Like say my dad hugged me, automatically id get a thought like "What if he's a perv" and then id think what the hell!! He's my dad!
Or would these thoughts start getting classed as ocd or pure o? :/ even though i didn't think i had that?
Or would they still be classed as gad?

30-03-11, 19:21
Post removed by author

01-04-11, 07:31
thank you for this, chris. i'll probably have to print this out. thank you thank you thank you!

01-04-11, 10:02
This is great help all about negative thinking this is where i have most opf my troubles but found this post great hel x

01-04-11, 10:15
A fantastic and informative read Chris, amazzzing, thank you :)

03-04-11, 14:33
Post removed by author

06-04-11, 15:05
This has helped sooo much. Thanks Chris! and becks, know you're not alone, this group is great for support :) I know where I can turn now for advice