View Full Version : Something new to worry about!

09-04-06, 11:52
Hi I've been posting recently about my throat thing and believe it or not with the help of half a diazepam twice a day for five days I actually was feeling much better, I certainly wouldn't say that it was all gone again, but I was eating again and I wasn't spending every waking moment worrying about my throat and various other symptoms that were happening.

I have been to the doctor and I suffer with what feels like a lumpy throat full of mucus and yuk but can't never seem to clear it, I also feel that the very back of my tongue gets sore and that it has something on it where it goes down in my throat and that I am blocked behind my nose. I have been like this in the past and am frequently like it around this time of year and later in the Spring so maybe I have some form of allergy but knowing that I can never just have simple colds etc or any form of allergy of course I have to have something terminal which I'm sure many of you understand, although why this is I don't know.

Well then a couple of evenings ago I picked up a leaflet about a cancer charity and when I know I shouldn't really I read it, and there was a cancer mentioned called nasopharyngeal cancer, and low and behold I have a good look around the internet, and have now decided that this must be what I have. Yet again we're going back to square 1 extremely quickly because I feel the old feelings of the thing stuck on the very back of my tongue, I guess as I am focusing all my thoughts and energies on it it's going to be there. I am managing to convince myself that I have all these symptoms and that I haven't told the doctor properly about the symptoms I am feeling or more so that maybe he just wasn't listening and they blame everything on anxiety. I know it's sad but I just can't get it out of my head now and things had been going so well. Maybe I have stopped taking my medication too soon but I am going out next week and want to be able to go out and enjoy myself, and cannot have a drink or two if I'm taking tablets.

To think I was absolutely fine four weeks ago, all this stressing over my throat, tongue etc was brought on by a bad throat infection which has long since gone and left me like this again.

Please help and tell me that I am being silly. My partner was absolutely furious with me for even looking up this on the internet and whilst I understand his feelings, I think you have to suffer from this before you can even begin to understand what its like. I have spent years of having various types and forms of terminal illnesses and it really does take over I just wish it would GO AWAY AND NEVER COME BACK!!!!

Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings and please if you feel you can help reply to me and at least try to put my mind at rest.


09-04-06, 13:43

You havnt got cancer love,i can promise you that.. i have had this throat thing for years but thats not something i worry about,surprisingly enough and i cant understand that to be honest because i worry about everything else.
Ever since i have had anxiety which is roughly around 20 years although i reackon i had it as a child and never relised until later in life... anyway ever since i have had anxiety i have suffered with sore throats, tonsilitis, mucus at the back of my throat and actually my throat swells up, and drys out making it very sore, and i feel like im choking... it can be scary i agreee with you there, but i tell you what it isnt cancer, your doctor would of picked up on it straight away love .. honest you are not alone regarding this, although i dont freak out about this one, this isnt my personal fear in anxiety ...we all have our personal fears though dont we...but i do get this,it is all anxiety based and it certinley wont harm you,and it certinley isnt cancer.
Many people on this site suffer with this complaint your not alone darlin.. i know how ya feeling, and ya ant sad either...

take care ...

ashley x

09-04-06, 14:47
sharon i share your anger as to how this fear started and i know we all get frustrated at ourelves for not thinking rationally

i fear terribly about my heart so i know what you are going through

just a thought, but one of my almost constant symptoms of anxiety is really bad sinusitis. i almost never goes away leading to constantly needing to get rid of mucus, a pain in my head and nose, coughing and a constant pressure in that area. at times i often feel sick as well. does this sound familiar?

i am like you and am filled witha deep desire to get better but dont seem to have the tools to know how

i hope we all do some day


09-04-06, 15:32
Hi Jackie

Yes the symptoms you describe do sound familiar and I too often feel sick and do blame it on the constant mucus but it's just that deep seated fear that stays with you constantly and drives me mad. I have this feeling on the back of my tongue where it goes down my throat but then saying that it did ease right off until I read up on the symptoms described and then it comes back again, and I guess it wouldn't do that if there was a real problem.

Thanks for taking the time to reply to me.


Thank you too for taking the time and effort to reply to me, it is of comfort to know that I'm not alone in these feelings and hopefully one day they will go away and stay away but until then I have to try and believe that they are just anxiety which is the hard bit.

Thanks again


09-04-06, 18:54
Can anxiety really cause Sinusitis? I'am suffering now 3 months. And getting more and more panicky over this.

09-04-06, 19:42
sharon it sounds all too familiar, debb i believe it truly can. it is our constant tension and fear that causes most of what we go through


10-04-06, 21:30
Hi just me again

Jackie I was wondering you said that you suffered with your sinuses and that you thought this was anxiety related, I too have suffered with a very mucus congested throat, and it happened three years ago when I suffered the same symptoms but I just seem to try and convince myself that there is something more sinister in it, with the fact that my tongue also seems to feel funny too. I did have a doctors appointment booked for tomorrow and was going to go and make sure that I explained my symptoms properly and then hopefully be able to go away and believe what he was saying, mind you I have explained them before and he has told me that there is nothing going on, but I just seem to not want to believe them, but he is off sick and so they surgery have cancelled my appointment and I don't know when I can go back again.

I am not too stressed at the moment and seem to have calmed down a lot to what I was last week but just feel I am caught on the edge of a full blown attack coming on at any time as I just can't get on without thinking about the silly throat and tongue business.

Anyway enough of my rambling thanks for reading all my worries again.


12-04-06, 07:28
Hi only me again,

I've got up early this morning and seem to have gone back into overdrive with my throat, I think I either have some form of allergy or a bit of a cold left over from my throat infection (mind you each of my three children either has had or still has a cold, so I probably do too).

I have got up and am convincing myself that I am unable to clear it as there is a big bit stuck somewhere between the back of my nose and throat or at the back of my tongue in that area somewhere, I have read lots of times about the throat symptoms but seem so convinced mine is something different.

Could some of you who have suffered and still suffer try and assure me that it is just what I think coupled with anxiety and that as the doctor has checked my throat it is unlikely to be anything other than this. I am desperate for some reassurance from some fellow sufferers.


Sheik N Shimmy
12-04-06, 10:14
Hi Sharon,

If it's of help I can tell you that I have the throat/mucus thing too. Mine is caused by acid reflux. I am also allergic to dust and mould.

My daughter started school last September and has brought home every bug and infection going..... and she may have even invented a few. Both the kids have been on a few courses of antibiotics since then.

If you have ten minutes to spare you might like to have a read of my post from the other day!

Relieved but ashamed: the throat thing explained (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=9235)



Keep On Keepin On

13-04-06, 08:03
Hi Sheik and Shimmy

I had already read your post of the other day, believe me I have scoured this website and think I have read everything to do with the throat.

Thanks for taking the time to reply to me.
