View Full Version : Leaving NMP - Quick goodbye and thanks!

28-03-11, 22:46
I've decided to leave NMP and wanted to say thank you and goodbye to all who have offered so much of their time to help me. I've had fantastic support here and I appreciate it all, but I have decided that due to the way my anxiety presents itself - obsessively posting so many thoughts because there's so many in my mind! - it's best for me to leave. I have had so much reassurance here and it has been helpful but I feel the most important thing I could learn is to reassure myself. Also, I need to limit the channels by which I can procrastinate! I have two jobs and I'm only half-arsedly working on both of them!

Anyway, I probably can't leave with any brilliant advice seeing as I'm not well myself yet but I hope everyone here gets well and stays that way.

Good luck to everyone and many, many thanks again :D

28-03-11, 22:53

I am very sorry to hear this and hope you are just having a break .
I wonder if you realise how much your posts help others ..me included.

it is a two way thing here ....you get advice and support ..........but you give it as well dont forget :hugs: I dont think you see this Haras :yesyes:

maybe reconsider ?

take care xxx

28-03-11, 23:01
Sorry your leaving but its good you realise talking or posting about your symptoms all the time is counterproductive .Please pop in from time to time and let us know how you are .I wish you a successful recovery and Im sure you will be, much better when you think less about your anxious thoughts . .Keep busy you seem to have enough to do for a while from what you say .Distraction works well .You can always come back ,when you feel you are ready ,if that s what you want ..All the best with everything t/c Luv Sue x

28-03-11, 23:14
I'll miss you Hara. I have found your posts informative and interllectual. I'll be sad to see you go. Take care. You can always come back if you need to. EJ.

28-03-11, 23:30
All the best to you for the future. I am glad you are feeling better.:)
Take care

28-03-11, 23:50
I'm really pleased I was of help to some people and yes, I'll definitely come back when I'm coping better if I feel like I can help others. I need to learn to stop thinking about anxiety 24/7 as I'm making myself worse, but I'd love to be of help to others once I'm feeling a little less erratic, so I may well return one day!

Thanks everybody, so glad I could help!

blue moon
29-03-11, 00:04
Take good care and be kind to yourself:)
Petra x:flowers:

29-03-11, 00:04
Good luck with your recovery xxx

29-03-11, 10:16
Awh I am sad to see you go, it's been a pleasure to meet you on the forum, all the best with your recovery and hopefully your ever growing career!

Take care and good luck :hugs:

Amber x

paula lynne
29-03-11, 10:36
I will be sorry to see you going, but you need to do this for yourself.....let us know how you are getting on. Youve always posted inforative and well thought out posts..will miss you! Take Care of yourself x:)

29-03-11, 11:54
Hi Take care of yourself
lots of love and best wishes x:flowers:

29-03-11, 18:33
I wish you continued recovery....hope all works out well for you.

Take care of you.

Hazel B
29-03-11, 20:21
Take care and hope you get well really soon.

29-03-11, 21:08
Good luck - I hope it all goes well for you :)