View Full Version : I'm starting to panic. Help and advise please

28-03-11, 23:57
Hi :(
I've been in bed a hour watchin tv- I can feel my heartbeat in my ears, arms and chest. It's getting faster and I'm starting to get really anxious . Already accidentally deleted a post :(

My heart feels like it's shaking as it's beating and I'm terrified.
I am breathing ok but feel lightheaded :(
Can't take this any longer.
Cant gobto chat as phone won't allow me to :(
Help me plz

29-03-11, 00:17
Hi lindajane. I know it's hard when it gets you like this. I recommend distraction from my personal experience. It's not a long term solution as it only diverts, but for now try a crossword, a book, a photo album, write down an account of how you're feeling, a list of places to visit when you feel good. Do you have someone with you can talk to? Even wake them up?

Try to be positive. Panic does pass. I know it's just awful when it's on you but it can go in a matter of moments if you can hang in there and be positive.

Dunno if I'm helping but hey, at least someone out there is listening and cares.
Chris x

29-03-11, 08:55
Thank you chris for your kind words. It did slowly disappear!
I downloaded an anxiety app for my phone,had a quick look through it and drifted off to sleep.
Hope tonight is ok