View Full Version : Leukemia fears

29-03-11, 02:39
. I am worrying about leukemia. My legs hurt when I run and I get cramps when sitting and laying down. I have been getting more headaches. I get nauseous sometimes. These are all leukemia symptoms. Somebody please help soon!

29-03-11, 05:08
My Grandmother had Leukemia and those were NOT the symptoms at all. The symptoms you describe could be attributed to a whole host of conditions if you google them. They are more than likely just caused by anxiety so STOP WORRYING AND STOP GOOGLING!!! :)

30-03-11, 00:04
Ughh now I have a cut on my finger, and a stuffy nose, do you know what your grandmonthers symptoms were? And if I did have leukemia, would i feel extremely sick? I read stories ( bad idea) and people said before they were diagnosed they had severe joint pain and slept all the time. Someone help!:unsure:

30-03-11, 14:30
Hey, my father died of lukeamia. He was very poorly before hand which prompted him to go to his gp. i dont know much as i was 12 and alot was kept from me but i had a fear i had it so i spoke with my mum about his symptoms. He had a strange rash on his shin which didnt go away and kept getting worse, he would fall asleep at work, during his lunch breaks he would just doze off and at home as soon as he sat down he would just fall asleep, he also kept bruising really easy. im not scarying you but i feel if you had it, you would be very very ill, do not google. Google is the worst thing thanks to google im struggling with lymphoma fears. ive had many blood tests done in the last few years and all is normal so i know lukeamia has been ruled out. to put your mind at rest why dont you see your gp so he/she can put your mind at rest. please do not GOOGLE! XX

30-03-11, 18:12
my mum found out she has Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia(CLL) in december last year,her general health is still ok,but she gets tired,has little lumps on her neck and blood spots. she has to have blood tests at the hospital every 6 months for the rest of her life as her type of it cant be cured,and if it did come out fully she will only go into remission..nothin like the symptoms you describe hope that helps.

30-03-11, 19:20
I have lymphoma fears, they are really ruining my life at he moment.
I have had tests this week and waiting for results which is worrying me!
My symptons are night sweats. xx
So worried!!!:unsure:

Hazel B
30-03-11, 19:42
My Gran died from this, she had bruises all over her body and was extremely tired. Please don't use Dr Google and try not to worry, it's very rare.

12-04-11, 18:00
HI There, My Dad had Leukemia,
He had all the the symptoms HazelBs Gran had.
You don't say how old you are
My dad lived till he was in his late 70s
There is a lady who lives down our road she had leukemia in her 30s,
she is in her late 60s now,she responded to treatment.
Don't worry
Take care:hugs: