View Full Version : New here!

Wasake wauspe
29-03-11, 05:27
Hi everyone,

I thought i would say hi and introduce myself. I have had severe anxiety for a long time now and different experiences in my life have made this worse. I spent a long time really feeling sorry for myself and drinking way to much to try n feel better which of course makes it worse in the long run :doh:

Feel really tired most of the time and uncomfortable within myself. I have however moved on a lot from where i once was, drinking, smoking, eating badly and not really living according to what i wanted to be honest - I am kind of getting to know me again slowly and trying to learn life skills again cause i had them once upon a time me thinks :yesyes:

Well I hope to share some stories with anyone that might be interested and also if i can help then of course i will. I also wondered about meet ups and if people get together at all.


29-03-11, 05:35
Hi Wasake wauspe

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

29-03-11, 11:16
Hi Kev and welcome

I am the same as you apart from the drink, luckily i don't like the smell of alcohol so it was never an issue or an option even, but as for the rest of your story i can completely understand where you are.
I spend a lot of time alone, i have a wonderful partner but i have lost all my friends through anxiety and panic which has left me with no confidence whatsoever, altho my work mates would probebly tell you i'm v confident i'm not at all.

I'm pretty sure like you i once had the skills to be what i want/need to be but gaining them back will take us time.
Hope you will share your journey with us and inspire us to follow :)

Kind regards

paula lynne
29-03-11, 11:22
Hi Kev, welcome aboard! Good to have you with us! Use the search facility...lots of help, and yes, lots of meet ups around and about.x:welcome:

29-03-11, 19:51
I am also new here... welcome both :)

Wasake wauspe
02-04-11, 11:36
Hi all,

Thank you so much for the replying. I did not think anyone would reply to be honest.:yahoo: I was scared stiff about joining!

Sharon, it's the same for me - anyone that knows me will tel you I am a confident person especially when i use to go out but I know now though it was just a cover up thing. I use to put so much energy into it but i found that it became harder to do as time went by. As you say in time we'll get there.

Thanks again


Wasake wauspe
08-04-11, 06:02
Hi all,

Paula thanks, im glad i joined up ay last.

Welcome Donna, as u know I am new also. Hope u find some gelpful advice and tips.


Vanilla Sky
08-04-11, 09:32
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x