View Full Version : how/why anxiety??!

29-03-11, 10:39
hey all,

Been ok for a couple of weeks, but started to feel the familiar symptons again!!
Just wondered if anyone knows why you can suddenly develop these bizarre things? i still am kind of refusing to believe that i am suffering frm anxiety! i have absolutely no idea how or why i suddenly developed this...i dont ever remember feeling like this, why why why do i have this? and how the hell can i get my life back!!??

Is it prolonged stress? just being a stress head or worrier in life? does it 'just start'? does anyone remember their first experience of the symptoms? or why they would have them?

im hoping if i can work this out i can try help myself..
thanks sarah x

29-03-11, 10:44
I have no doubt this is anxiety, i get these feelings in the middle of the day for no reason. Try to keep busy and change your train of thought i know this is difficult i am only just fighting mine too x

29-03-11, 11:00
I think you can live for years with an elevated level of anxiety and not realise it. Then suddenly your adrenals become exhausted, your hormones all go out of balance and it all hits you like a ton of bricks.

29-03-11, 16:01
I had a build up over many years and didn't realise it until recently that I was getting warning signs of having a serious anxiety problem for the last two years - having fears of things that would never normally bother me -

For example I got bit by a mosquito whilst on holiday last year and was freaking out that I would develop an allergic reaction to it even tho I have never had one before and silmilar things like that until bang - I had a nervous breakdown after a brain tumor scare in September last year. Now every day I feel like you do and my hormones went mental too.

If you think back can you remember any examples of where you may have been developing irrational fears/ or not coping with stress etc? You'll probably find this has been developing over a long time and it does take a long time then to get it all out of your system.

I am starting to make progress now after counselling but I realise it will be a long journey.

Hang on in there.

30-03-11, 11:27
I cannot think of a reason why i have this, or why it started!! I have never been through a trauma, grief, any particularly stressful times, i had agreat childhood. i had a break up, although painful, its nothing that i hadnt experienced before or that anyone else hasnt been through. but the symptoms started before that. My gagging thing, which is the main symptom i seem to suffer with, i thought was something to with my neck, i kept (and still do) blaming blood sugars/thyroid etc as i just cant think of another explaination!
its true that the more you worry or think about it, the worse it is. i can be ok for awhile, then i will get it again and bang i realise its back!
im actually getting really annoyed as i want my normality back, i actually miss and crave my old life...
sarah :weep:

07-04-11, 08:45
Yes Sarah, I know exactly what you mean. I moved to the other side of the world and I've been blissfully happy for well over a year. My marriage, my job, my whole life is better in every aspect. Then out of nowhere, the old familiar feeling that I thought I'd forgotten about. No apparent trigger for it, it just happened at the same time as it happened back home, even though there's a huge time difference. Grief was the initial cause back home, but this time ? Nothing negative has happened at all. The only difference this time was I knew what to expect. So now, it's not anywhere near as crippling as it used to be, it just brings me down. It goes away like it always does, but I'm just left with that question ; why ? It's that long ago since it first appeared though, I think I've forgotten what normal is ! Oh well, believe it or not, there are worse things in life. Not much help am I ?

07-04-11, 09:28
I feel the same. Accepting that the symptoms that I am experiencing are down to anxiety is very difficult. On reflection though I probably have experienced periods of HA over the last 8 years but the last 2 years have been very stressful. My husband & partner of 10 years left but I picked myself up, got on with my life and I am now recently engaged to a wonderful man. Everything in my life is great but I think my mind & body has been through so much stress on & off that this has now hit me all of a sudden. However I'm still struggling to accept that there is not an underlying cause to these strange symptoms which I'm finding difficult to deal with day to day. But I guess this is all part of having anxiety and working through the process. Hopefully it will get easier.

07-04-11, 12:26
hi i was wondering that myself, today for some reason feel very anxious and worrying about my health. My car is in with the mechanic today so maybe it is that, sounds silly i know but then gonna worry about how to pay the man, god i hate it. I too can't think as to why i have suddenly started to get health anxiety, i also have ibs so a viscious circle for me. Must be cos i am worried about getting old.