View Full Version : Gastritis / IBS what is this should i go ER???????? cant stop panicking

29-03-11, 11:49
hi hope your ok just looking on little advice and help (panicking like crazy)
never ate yesterday due to the worse acid in the world anyway woke up this morning and was really hungry empty belly so made myself piece of toast (just the small slices) within seconds of eating it i felt like it missed my stomach and sat just below my belly button and then i just felt this big heavy horrible feeling ever then need to shoot the loo fast to open bowels (don't no if this was because i was panicking or what) now its not as bad but got bad lower back pains and that nervous belly feeling but my doc says i just have ibs and some foods trigger it etc but i just dont think its ibs my anxiety is sky high keep thinking all kinds really wanna go the hospital right now
i am on omprazole 20mg but haven't took them the past 3days :mad: but have taken it this morning as the burning yesterday was nasty some people have said it sounds like i have Gastritis or is it just ibs and the bread i ate has kicked it off ?? i went to my local walk in center then and she said it sounds like ibs my stomach now has tight spasm and anxiety sky high what can i do ???

my lower back is killing me so much :(

29-03-11, 11:58
I'm sorry but you really need to start helping yourself. Everybody is trying to help you and it is time you started accepting advice and acting upon it. I know this may sounds harsh but all you are doing is whizzing yourself up. Please just try to calm yourself. How is not eating all day going to help your stomach? It's going to be going crazy! And you continue to eat things like toast etc. when you know they have given you reactions in the past. Please, please, follow people's advice, trying little and often, porridge, pro-biotic yoghurts, soups, veggie stews, good wholesome food. Honestly I know how difficult and scary this is but you are going to keep finding yourself in this state unless you take things into your own hands and start to help yourself. Doctors will not offer a lot of help for IBS. you can try to get this under control yourself. Anxiety plays havoc with digestion and bowels, I do not have IBS but if i am anxious it sends me running to the loo and have bad acid pain in back shoulders chest etc.

Please please honeypie start helping yourself.

Take care

29-03-11, 11:58
Also please take your medication properly. You need to give it a good 6 weeks to kick in!

29-03-11, 12:27
I'm sorry but you really need to start helping yourself. Everybody is trying to help you and it is time you started accepting advice and acting upon it. I know this may sounds harsh but all you are doing is whizzing yourself up. Please just try to calm yourself. How is not eating all day going to help your stomach? It's going to be going crazy! And you continue to eat things like toast etc. when you know they have given you reactions in the past. Please, please, follow people's advice, trying little and often, porridge, pro-biotic yogurts, soups, veggie stews, good wholesome food. Honestly I know how difficult and scary this is but you are going to keep finding yourself in this state unless you take things into your own hands and start to help yourself. Doctors will not offer a lot of help for IBS. you can try to get this under control yourself. Anxiety plays havoc with digestion and bowels, I do not have IBS but if i am anxious it sends me running to the loo and have bad acid pain in back shoulders chest etc.

Please please honeypie start helping yourself.

Take care

I just had bad acid all yesterday and didn't have any appetite at all just bad nausea so didn't eat which i no is silly but i just cant force feed myself then when i woke up this morning just grabbed the piece of toast quickly :weep: and only have about a quarter of the toast and my stomach went bonkers i no that not taking my acid tab the past 3days hasn't helped this at all but i was so busy with sorting out my anti-depressants and making sure i have them i just forgot about the acid tabs but i have just got a daily medicine box and put all my tabs in morning / evening etc so i don't miss any !!
i have just thrown bread etc all in the bin :D any other triggers i get choc etc...... as i don't wanna go through what happened this morning was the worse feelings in my lower stomach and lower back but i have just got my friend to go shops for me and she has picked me up some - porridge oats / custard / soups/ rice pudding etc so hopefully i will stick to these at least for a while anyway !! :) no i just feel so drained and tired am going to have a lie down hopefully my belly wont be so tight when i wake up and i will eat something more soothing...

i went to see the nurse earlier on who thought it could of been a bug but i don't have an temp or anything and cos i feel so hungry she said having a stomach bug i wouldn't want food (she was thinker than me lol) i just finding it really hard to deal with all this :(

29-03-11, 13:52
I think the main thing like you have said yourself is to calm down your anxiety before eating. I have had lots of problems with food, and for me the key was in distraction. If my mum or boyfriend or whoever plonked down a little snack whilst I was engrossed in eastenders or corrie or whatever works for you, i'd be chomping away before i knew it! you know that when you are anxious it exacerbates the symptoms, so no matter what you eat when you are anxious you will still get those horrid symptoms.

Also, with food intolerance relating to staomch problems etc., it is important to remember that some reactions may not occur for 24hours or more. you may have eaten some toast yesterday that gave you awful symptoms the day after but you confuse that with eating something else. do you see what i mean?

it's great you've bought a meds box and thrown away your trigger foods! you need to take the time to concentrate on how to get better and you're starting to do that. chop up some banana and heat it up in the custard = yummy!

You're going to be just fine. Just stop trying to diagnose yourself or look for answers - you will find them once you start to calm down and properly address your condition instead of just fretting about it.

Take care

29-03-11, 14:06
I think the main thing like you have said yourself is to calm down your anxiety before eating. I have had lots of problems with food, and for me the key was in distraction. If my mum or boyfriend or whoever plonked down a little snack whilst I was engrossed in eastenders or corrie or whatever works for you, i'd be chomping away before i knew it! you know that when you are anxious it exacerbates the symptoms, so no matter what you eat when you are anxious you will still get those horrid symptoms.

Also, with food intolerance relating to staomch problems etc., it is important to remember that some reactions may not occur for 24hours or more. you may have eaten some toast yesterday that gave you awful symptoms the day after but you confuse that with eating something else. do you see what i mean?

it's great you've bought a meds box and thrown away your trigger foods! you need to take the time to concentrate on how to get better and you're starting to do that. chop up some banana and heat it up in the custard = yummy!

You're going to be just fine. Just stop trying to diagnose yourself or look for answers - you will find them once you start to calm down and properly address your condition instead of just fretting about it.

Take care

that's my problem i fret & think to much i kept thinking maybe its a stomach bug etc until my boyfriend sat there and said every time you eat toast first thing in morning your in pain but i can eat it sometimes (depending what bread ) and i will be fine and now i am hungry but because i have the thoughts of bugs etc in my brain my phobia of vomiting its going round in my head when its most prob not a bug as i feel fine just hungry and still a little sore spasm in my belly but your right if am so worked up about eating then i eat the food 9 out of 10 times the pains happen cos i have thought them up so much i just hate bein this way i haven't always been like this and don't always wanna be like this ..

mainly why does my lower back suffer ?? feels like some1 has kicked me in my lower back

29-03-11, 14:08
hmmm i think that can be to do with constipation?

29-03-11, 14:13
Hey Honeypie - I've answered your PM, but just wanted to add that's it worth asking the GP what foods are best for gastritis when you see him/her. As far as I know, the blander the better - ie no spices etc. Also, have you discussed with the GP the emetophobia impact on the eating? I'm wondering whether Nestle Build Up shakes might be a way forward, as it would also be kind on your tummy.

It is hard to eat if you have gastritis - as a symptom is nausea, and then when you eat you often don't feel better as you can get that 'fullness' pain. I guess it's about finding a food that sits ok with your emetophobia and also your tummy, and starting off that way maybe.

Good Luck

29-03-11, 16:42
thanks guys i will give it a try after taking my motilium

29-03-11, 17:31
I suffer quite badly with IBS and i have a food intolerances to yeast and dairy, i totallyy avoid dairy but not so much the yeast, i have been eating alot of bread lately and my stomach and bowels have not been function as they should, right now my tummy feels so full and bloated it is almost unbearable to stand up, the symptoms for me usually happen a couple of hours after eating. but as you get symptoms almost straight away, i think that the problem is caused by a psychological, learnt behaiviour you are expecting it to happen so it does, I have just began to come out of a major anxiety period that lasted about 6-7 weeks, whilst i was going through this i couldn't bear the though of eating, i felt naseus, constipated but occasionally very little bit of loose stools it really was horrid, but now my anxiety has got less, my stomach and ibs issues have settled quite a bit and i am able to enjoy my food again. from what i read, of your posts, you seem so focused on why you are getting this, what food causing it etc etc but i really think the real cause is anxiety, anxiety makes ibs 1000 times worst, focus on how to treat the anxiety issues and i think everything else will improve xx:hugs:

14-05-11, 20:14
I suffer quite badly with IBS and i have a food intolerances to yeast and dairy, i totally avoid dairy but not so much the yeast, i have been eating alot of bread lately and my stomach and bowels have not been function as they should, right now my tummy feels so full and bloated it is almost unbearable to stand up, the symptoms for me usually happen a couple of hours after eating. but as you get symptoms almost straight away, i think that the problem is caused by a psychological, learn't behaviour you are expecting it to happen so it does, I have just began to come out of a major anxiety period that lasted about 6-7 weeks, whilst i was going through this i couldn't bear the though of eating, i felt nauseus, constipated but occasionally very little bit of loose stools it really was horrid, but now my anxiety has got less, my stomach and ibs issues have settled quite a bit and i am able to enjoy my food again. from what i read, of your posts, you seem so focused on why you are getting this, what food causing it etc etc but i really think the real cause is anxiety, anxiety makes ibs 1000 times worst, focus on how to treat the anxiety issues and i think everything else will improve xx:hugs:

some1 was saying i may have a yeast infection as i am craving sugar 24/7 but i have always been like this with chocolates & sugar etc... i have never been a good eater :lac: but i still keep thinking maybe its not ibs maybe it is something worse my stomach is swollen everyday & night and gets really sore just below my ribs in the center and also a bad pressure feeling above pubic bone area but the worse is the one below my ribs in center & all down left side its also like a bad burning feeling/ nausea i just can't cope with it all anymore :weep:

15-05-11, 19:21
Hi, been having on and off gastritis symptoms for a good few months. My endoscopy showed mild gastritis. Even though mild still causes burning indigestion, constipation etc... Doc said nothing to worry about ya, well I still worry a lot, guess what it makes it worse and worse.....so I went on time out from life for 1 week, you know what I did, start from the basics of human biology. To live a person only needs really water!! Water is key to our existence we can survive a good few months just on water. Ok now another basic thing we require is sleep. Ok water doesn't need to be digested to it technically bypasses all this and cleans the system somewhat!! Other things you can survive on is fruits ( all natural non man made stuff ya) ok so now this has established out stomach needs acid to properly digest food, here is the problem, and this is where it all starts. The key I'm my view is to try an keep stomach acid to minimum levels and there u go problem sorted, but not that easy is it??? You know why? We as humans are living Olin a world full of junk foods, stress and all sorts of things and over time it adds up and gives us these digestion issues. Why does your stomach burn or hurt? Basic is excessive acid in stomach, and that acid irritates the stomach lining causing gastritis....any Otis in the body means inflammation, so if u hurt your knee we don't panic as we can see it but reason your knee hurts or burns is because it's inflammed. Doc don't call it kneeitis do they? It's external no one worries about it but soon as something happens on the stomach bang we all start to worry (Inc myself). So what do u do for ur knee to heal? Easy apply plasters and don't expose it to anything it will heal. Same with stomach inflammation u can't obviously put a plaster on it and leave it(wish I could) but what you can do is allow it to rest, I have done water and fruit fasts for 1 day during the week as I work weekdays and it's making me feel better, I have also halved my does of ranitidine from 300mg to 150mg. If you don't have work or other commitments then you may be able to give your stomach a rest more often. Our stomachs are not designed for binge eating fast processed foods etc etc...... Stop take a deep breath and think the basics of digestion and listen to your system, and see how you feel? Remember you need a stress free hassle free environment too wen you on water or fruit diets. Sorry for this long post but wanted to share of bow am trying to come over this it's not easy and by no means am cured but I do feel better and stomach cramps and burning is somewhat under control, Always think positive and think good health, all the best.