View Full Version : Anxiety about MRI Tomorrow Morning

29-03-11, 15:55
I have had a headache now for months and am having an MRI of my brain tomorrow morning. I am starting only now to get really anxious about it. I am not allowed to listen to music b/c it's of my head, so there isn't that to calm me down and take my mind off of my potential claustrophobia.

Do they wheel you in all the way when it's only your head they are scanning? I had my leg scanned before and they of course wheeled me all the way in.

Most importantly, does anyone know if I have to be injected with a contrast dye or anything like that for an MRI of the brain? I don't know why, but the idea of this is making me extremely anxious.

Any answers and advice would be so much appreciated. :)

29-03-11, 16:15
I have had both brain and abdominal MRIs done. It really depends on the set up. I was able to have an open MRI for both, which helped -- sort of. I really didn't realize I was claustrophobic until I had the MRIs done, but it really wasn't all that bad. I closed my eyes for both so I couldn't see around me. Sure, I was anixous, but the good news is those scans don't take too long -- 20 minutes at most. It does go quickly.
In regard to the contrast, I had a horrible fear of it. I didn't need it for my brain MRI, but I did for my abdominal one. I cried. I don't like things going in my system I know nothing about, but, there was nothing to it. It is up to your doctor whether or not you get the contrast. Normally, at least here in the US, they will call and tell you or you will have been notified you will need it. Maybe you won't.
I will say after all was said and done I felt so good after -- that I conquered a fear. You will feel the same.
You will do just fine. If you do panic and it is unbearable, they do give you a button to push to be let out, so you do have control over your comfort level. I had moments when I wanted to push the button, but I had gotten that far, might as well finish. Hugs, Wiskers ~

29-03-11, 16:30

I had to post as I can really relate to this. My heart completely goes out to you - I refused a CAT scan in hospital six months ago (after being submitted for stroke symptoms) as I was freaking out as to what they would find and that was only a CAT scan so god knows how I'd cope with an MRI. You are really really strong getting it done and my thoughts will be with you tomorrow.

Please let us know how you got on and how you found it. I bet you will feel extreme relief when it's done as the above post says and I wish I had your strength to follow up with my scan.

Wishing you all the best x

29-03-11, 16:34
My son had an mri scan last monday for a shoulder injury and he was very anxious as hes claustraphobic. He said it wasnt half as bad as anticipated and he was given ear phones playing radio two...which he said was very umpleasnt!!! Apart from the bad music he managed it and he said it really wasnt bad.
Hope all goes well, take care.

29-03-11, 16:39
Hi, I had an MRI brain scan just before Christmas, and it was fine, I didn't find it unpleasant in any way. I didn't need dye injecting (I was worried about that too). I think Wiskers is right, and you probably would have been told about it if you were having it. If it is causing you anxiety, perhaps you could call the clinic now if they are still open and ask them if they know.

I'm usually quite claustrophic, and I was right inside it, but actually I didn't mind it. The nurse with me advised me to keep my eyes closed, and that made it much better. Plus the emergency button in my hand was very reassuring.

I would tell the nurse you are anxious and claustrophobic, they are very used to dealing with this and will make it as easy as possible.

Also, I have no idea if this is allowed, but if you have someone going with you, perhaps you could ask if they could come into the room with you? You might find a comforting hand on your leg helpful.

Just as for Wiskers, it all went really quickly, and I couldn't believe it was done so quickly. Mine took about 15-20 mins according to my husband, and I really thought I'd only been in there about 5 mins.

Good luck x

29-03-11, 17:05
Thanks so much for your reassuring words. I think this one is open-topped but I am not sure. I also am most worried about the possibility of getting contrast dye but don't really know why - I guess a shot of something foreign in your system never sounds nice - what if I'm allergic to it? This is Holland so I am not sure they would inform me about having it beforehand. I already tried calling this afternoon when my sudden anxiety came on but it was after 16.00 so of course there was no one there anymore to take my call. I am first thing tomorrow morning. I'll definitely let you know how it goes.

29-03-11, 17:05
I forgot to say that I also need your replies so I don't start Googling!! :)

29-03-11, 17:21
Hi there, i had to have an MRI scan about 2 years ago, although my claustraphobia got the better of my and after a couple of minutes, i asked to come out, i flt really silly tho as just before me a chiled aged about 9 walked in room for hers all smiles and walked out again after all smiles, and wished i hadn't been such a wimp. I too had major anxiety about if i had to have contrast dye, i am really phobic about any meds or chemicals going into my body and try to avoid anything like this. When i arrived for my appointment, i was informed that i did not need contrast dye for a brain scan, this was only usually done when they needed to look in much more detail at blood vessals etc there were 3 people in the waiting room before me, all of them also head brain scans and none of them had contrast dye either.
They will not put your entire body in prob to about stomach, and i found for the very short time that i was in the scanner, if i carefully positioned my eyes i could see out a little. But if you are having an open one, this should be fine, you shouldn't feel claustraphobic in that.:hugs:

29-03-11, 17:40
Thanks so much for your reply. Did you continue with the scan after you asked to be let out? Or do you miss your chance then? I hope you were okay. Your reassurance about probably not having to have the dye is much appreciated.

29-03-11, 18:29
Hi BKF :)
Am puzzled why you are not allowed music ?
I had brain and neck MRI a few years back with dye to show up my blood vessels.
only my upper body was in the scanner and I had headphones and a buzzer.
I shut my eyes and concentrated on my breathing in for four .out for six .
and I was ok.
you will be fine xxxxx

29-03-11, 18:31
Thanks so much for your reply. Did you continue with the scan after you asked to be let out? Or do you miss your chance then? I hope you were okay. Your reassurance about probably not having to have the dye is much appreciated.

After i asked to be taken out, i did not continue with the scan, they were running to such a tight deadline, they didn't have time to fit me in again. I was quite annoyed with myself as i know the anticipation was so much worst than the event, I think the problem with my experience was that i was so super anxious about the possibility of having the contrast dye, this caused me to panic and my anxiety was so was sky high, even after they told me i would not need it, i found it very hard to calm down. i think if i had of known that i wasn't having the contrast, i think i would have been calmer and be able to continue, Also i thought for my situation an MRI was not really neccessary, i had seen a neurologist and he diagnosed me with M.E, and suggested the MRI just as a precaution, i didn't agree that i needed it, but went along with it as he was the doctor and not me lol.

After my MRI faliure, the dept spoke with the Nero, explained just how frightened i was and he said he would arrange a ct scan and when he had those results, he would decide whether an MRI was still neccessary, a few weeks after the ct i had a letter saying results were fine and MRI was not neccessary.

But please try reassure yourself, it really won't be that bad, just listen to all advice the nurses give you, and it will be over in no time. all the people who went in before and after me came out fine and as calm as they would if they just popped to the loo,

Good luck and let us know how you get on :hugs:

29-03-11, 19:28
Snowgoose, I don't know actually. I just read in the accompanying brochure from the hospital that normally you can listen to music but not with an MRI of the head. That is interesting that you had brain and neck together. I have had headaches for months and everyone is pretty sure they are tension-related to the neck and upper shoulders. But the neuro has just sent me for a brain scan, saying that they aren't usually combined and they will start with the brain. I feel it's a bit of a waste of time as later if I am sent to an orthopedic doctor (?) I will probably have to have neck and spine or something--don't know--I am new to all this. did yours turn out okay, I hope? Were you having headaches as well?

Katie6, thank you for your reply and your story. Really appreciate it. Somehow my anxiety lessens when I hear the experiences of others. Too bad you couldn't finish your scan but sounds like it turned out for the best. I will remember your story when if I start to panic - thanks!

29-03-11, 20:06
Hi BKF:)

I had very very bad head pain of sudden onset and eye pupil constriction .hence neck and head . I am fine now .and dont you go google :hugs:

I had music playing all the time .so I would ask and take acd with you xx
it is very noisy so dont be alarmed .......sounds a bit like a noisy washing machine .

honestly you will be fine .....the thought is much worse than the deed .:)
sending good vibes and hugs

29-03-11, 20:17
Thanks so much, snowgoose. Yes, I will keep those thoughts in mind and bring a CD just in case! :)

Hazel B
29-03-11, 20:18
Hope it goes well.

I have had 2 MRIs recently to check on my gallbladder and liver. I had a contrast injection both times and was fine. The allergy risk is REALLY tiny (in the one in a million range) and you don't feel it in your body at all. (The one for CT scan makes your chest hot). I'd say the only thing to worry about is if you hate injections, they don't bother me.

I am claustrophobic to the extent that I hate lifts and will not go into caves or long tunnels. I also hate the tube and try to get the bus in London as much as poss. I was very worried about feeling enclosed in the MRI scanner but it was not as bad as I'd imagined. It was light and I could see both ends, which really helps, as you're not completely closed in.

I am short sighted and without my glasses it was a bit blurry, which helped. I thought of all my favourite people, my niece and nephews and all my happy family memories where we are laughing and telling jokes. I almost drifted off to sleep at the end, after all my worries it was not at all bad. They found a benign liver lesion and gallstones, so i really needed that MRI scan.. My gallbladder has now been removed.

Take care.

29-03-11, 22:33
In past 10 years I have had 10 mri scans and am just about to ahve another one of my neck later this week! I have had 4 brain ones to check on lesions and a cyst in my brain ( all harmless thankfully) and all my spine due to herniated discs plus pelvis and abdominal for a ovarian cyst. I am having a follow up one on my neck as my nerve pain has got worse and they want to check if my herniated neck disc has got worse.

On the brain mri and music the reason you can't have music is that there is no room for the headphones you will only have earplugs in as they put foam wedges down side of you head over your ears to stop your head from moving or they did to me a month ago for a brain mri.

I am terribly claustrophobic so I always shut my eyes before I go in and then I silently:) recite a rhyming childrens book to myself ( one I learnt 30 years ago reading to my son!) and see how many times I can recite it before scan ends - it takes my mind off it but still have to say that my heart is jumping out of my chest until they take me out.

Good luck and recite times tables or something to yourself as a distraction:D

11-04-11, 16:27
Hi, all, I just wanted to thank you for all your reassurance the night before my MRI. It went well although I don't think I could have gone through with it without your advice. I was surprised that I was offered headphones in the end - they just barely fit on my head which they secured with a sort of mask. My husband wasn't allowed in which threw me off guard but I just followed directions. I was actually quite chilled because they have a cool breeze blowing on you the whole time - I guess that's good for your claustrophobia. I just kept my eyes closed and counted to myself or concentrated on the radio music. It took about 17 minutes. I got the call from my neurologist 6 days later that all was clear accept that one of my sinuses was full - which could or could not be causing or adding to head pain. Anyway, I wanted to thank all of your for your advice!

11-04-11, 16:40
Congratulations on going through with it, that was a great achievement given how worried you were!

And fantastic news about the all clear, I'm really please for you :D

11-04-11, 17:13
Hello BKF :)
so pleased all went well .............and congratulations to you :flowers:
sending cyber hug :hugs:
pleased to hear you had music and headphones ..coudnt understand how I had them and others didnt . I had contrast too.
well done and so pleased all well xxx

11-04-11, 17:42
Thanks so much for your replies! Yes, it was funny because I wasn't allowed to bring anything in the room with me (including a CD), and then they said oh, maybe you can listen to music with the headphones if they fit on your head under the mask, as if they had never tried that before. They did fit and they just put on the local radio station. I was so nervous I didn't want to argue with them about leaving my CD behind. Actually when the MRI is going, it can even drown out the music but I really tried to concentrate on it and my breathing - snowgoose, thank you for telling me how you counted in and out - that is what I ended up doing. I felt an anxiety attack coming on once but I continued counting and kept my eyes closed.

Hazel B
11-04-11, 18:39
Well done, that's good news! They limit what you can take in as the risk of metal content is too high to take, the magnets would attract the item and the scanner would not work properly.