View Full Version : helicobacter pylori

29-03-11, 18:58
Hi there i have just tested positive for helicobacter pylori ,i have tried to take the course of antibiotics prescribed but cant keep them down .The reason i had the test was because i was having terrible stomach problems ,acid burping ,fullness ,trapped wind.SO I NOW HAVE THIS infection.What can i do if i cant take the antibiotics ,im terrified i have stomach cancer or mite get it cause of this .My doc said not to worry about cancer as helicobacter pylori is not the only reason fo this he said smoking ,consuming lots of alchol and other factors would need to be present and even then it a very samll chance.But i have made myself ill over this and wish i had never been tested and what am i going to do if i cant stomach the meds.please help anyone that has this or has had it.kind regads molly

paula lynne
29-03-11, 19:08
Hi Molly, I did HP testing when I worked with district nurses. The meds can upset your tum big time, the rule of thumb here is to eat about half hour before. Im glad you were tested, its important its treated properly love. Its very common. I havent had it myself, but i know lots that found the antibiotics hard work...try eating first ok, and sip some milk or water. x

29-03-11, 19:33
Hi thank you for your reply,my doc did say most people test positive and even though i have it may not be whats causing my stomach issues it could be just stress .Do you think this is true kind regards molly

paula lynne
29-03-11, 19:36
Hi Molly, nearly 60% of the Uk population has HP, with most its not a problem, or goes undetected. If you try the food before your antibiotics, and you give it say, 3 weeks, if its not improved, then go back to your GP. Stress can cause all sorts of tum problems. You will be ok either way love x

29-03-11, 19:49
Thank you for your reply again.Is it that many that have it thats a lot ,what im worried about is i cant get through the course but my doc says even if i dont it wont do me any ham as people have it and they dont know and it will not do them any harm.Im not sure though he knows im so scared i think he will say anything and i have these bad stomach symptoms kind regards molly

paula lynne
29-03-11, 19:51
Try to finish the antibiotics Molly, it wont do you harm to finish early, but they are prescribed for a reason. Dont forget to eat first. x

29-03-11, 19:54
I will try and finish them .thank you for taking the time too answer ,im just sick of being scared kind regards molly

29-03-11, 20:12
Anyone else suffered this kind regards molly

29-03-11, 20:22
Theres loads on here with stomach issues me included . I tested negative for HP . I had burping , trapped wind , stomach cramps , spasms and a constant bloated feeling , but the worst of all was a 24/7 burning in the centre of my stomach . Its getting / got much better now but it took 5 months , its still not perfect as my anxiety kicks it off (apparantly :shrug:) .

Loads of peeps have stomach issues , are you on any meds ?

29-03-11, 20:33
Hi there thanks for your reply ,im glad to hea you tested neg for hp .I have been giving anti bs but they making me feel so sick im struggling with them kind regards molly

29-03-11, 20:48
I,ve had bad reactions to anti biotecs before years ago , they gave me a different type and i was fine on them , perhaps theres other types that would suit you ?. I can remember haveing severve diohera (spelt wrong) every time i took one . It was many many years ago but i remember them giveing me another type and i could finish the course .

Don,t worry about stomach C , its just acid like the rest of us and the hp test is something they do for everyone with our issues .

29-03-11, 20:56
Hi Molly,

I was treated for helicobacter pylori 2 years ago. I did manage the course of antibiotics, but there are various options if you're not getting on with a specific medication, do go back to your GP and ask for an alternative 'triple therapy' as they are called.

It's not essential it is treated and many people have h pylori with no symptoms whatsoever, but if you are getting symptoms it's worth getting rid of it.

30-03-11, 09:10
Thank you for your replies .Is it not essiential it is treated ,i didnt realise that .I Will stick with the anti bs as long as i can.Happy did you have symptoms of stomach problems and how did u find the anti bs kind regards molly

30-03-11, 14:58
Hi has anyone else had this or have this.im just not coping at all with it.i always thought i was quite healthy until this apart from my anxiety and panic .its eally knocked me ,even tho everyone around keeps telling me im overeacting as usual ,i just wish i hadnt googled it ,its really made me worse .i just feel total fear thats eating me up inside .kind regards molly

30-03-11, 15:12
Hi Molly

I struggle with all antibiotics, after taking them for just one day my mouth throat and tum feel burnt all the way down and I feel so sick.

I had HP a few years ago and had to take two lots of antibiotics together, It was a dreadful time, but I managed it. I do feel for you:hugs:

Sending you hugs


30-03-11, 18:10
hi thank you for your reply ,did you have symptoms from the hp as some people dont even no they have it.I called my doc today and said i was struggling with the anti bs ,he said that it not the end of the world if i dont take them as he not really sure thats wats causing my symptoms .I just dont no what to do .kind regards molly

30-03-11, 19:32
does anyone have it and not took the anti bs kind regards molly

30-03-11, 21:13
Molly I was having stomach problems hence the reason my GP had me tested for HP.

My problem with antibiotics started before the HP, but my GP said to take them as it would sort my stomach problems out, which it did, after I got over the awful time I had taking the pills.

The only time I have been ok with antibiotics is when i was in hospital and had IV ones. I do stress a lot if I have an infection and I need antibiotics, more often than not I can't get through the course:huh:

Trust what your GP is saying as I have heard that some people have HP and don't know they have it.

Best wishes

30-03-11, 21:40
Hey Molly,

Apparently stomach problems, or 'dyspepsia' are one of the most common cause for people seeing their GP, many of whom are never diagnosed with anything specific at all.

The fact that you've been diagnosed with H Pylori is positive in that it is something that can be treated and your stomach problems could well be resolved. I think having nothing to go on is more difficult in that it's trial and error as to what can help.

Has your GP offered any alternative treatment? The antibiotics are hard going for some people I know. I wasn't too bad. My stomach problems did go for a good few months and now they are back intermittently and the cause of lots of anquish when they flare up, but that's me! I've been retested and H Pyori negative, so now down the trial and error route.

31-03-11, 12:22
HI thank you for your reply ,i called the doc today to say i cant keep the anti bs down and he told me not to worry just to stop them as it prob isnt the hp causing the problems anyway .But i hate having this inside me .My doc said again most people test positive for it and it not anything to worry about .I am trying to take this natural anti b to see if that helps .I just wish i could stop worrying about it .kind regards molly