View Full Version : friends....i need you......

29-03-11, 20:30
hi dear friends, for the last eight weeks i have been going down and i am desperate - the high anxiety and panic attacks are killing me and i dont know wot to do!
my job does not help as i work from home because of my crohns disease and i feel so isolated. also kerrylouise is not too good we have hospital appointment on the 7th april and i am oh so scared that i wont make it to the appoinment.
my meds were increased (fluoxetine) to 40mg about i would say 5 weeks ago....but they havent made a jot of difference.
i must apologies for not being on here that often but have been trying to battle on my own....but i need some help and advice. :blush::scared10::emot-crying:

Hazel B
29-03-11, 21:46
You have coped before and I'm sure you will get through this. See your counsellor if you can and let your GP know the new dose does not seem to be helping.

Try to distract yourself if you can to give your mind another focus. Listen to music, do housework, gardening, whatever you can do that can help to switch off.

Take care.:hugs:

30-03-11, 08:37
hi hazel...thank you for your kind words and for answering my thread...i was concerned that no1 would want to talk with me as i have been away for sometime.
thank you once again xxxxxx

30-03-11, 08:47
you are not alone
kind regards

30-03-11, 10:22
thank you amanda..that means alot to me xxxxx

paula lynne
30-03-11, 11:46
Hi darling girl x
Ive left you a detailed reply on FB this morning, so I wont go into it again here. But I want to say, that you are loved, and a well respected member of this forum. Coming back to ask for help is what NMP is about. You are not a failure or weak asking for help, you are strong because you recognise you need help. Its quiet here this time of day, Im sure you will get more replies later, so I will bump this up. Get through today, thats all, just today. We will deal with tomorrow when it comes. One day at a time Calm ok. I will check into FB later ok. Love and huge hugs to a little fighter.....P x

30-03-11, 12:01
hi paula...thank you so so much xxxx greatly appreciated xxxxx

Hazel B
30-03-11, 17:57
You can come back anytime, unconditional support here.:hugs:

margaret jones
30-03-11, 18:01
Sorry you are not feeling to well at the moment I think just talking about how we feel is helpfull so hope you soon feel better Take Care xxx

paula lynne
30-03-11, 22:58
B t t top for those who know calm x

31-03-11, 03:00
Hi Calm, sorry you are having a hard time again and that your daughter still isn't well :hugs:. I hope this isn't unwanted advice but personally I'd have a think about going back to the docs soon if the meds increase hasn't helped.

And you always have friends here xxx

31-03-11, 14:20
thank you so much one and all for your unconditional friendship and understanding.
i am going to the gp with a friend for support. maybe i need to go up even further in dosage....am scared though but they are referring me to a specialist which will be a good thing.
cbt is hard work and alot of it goes over my head unfortunately - probably not in the right place at the moment but i am trying to take it on board and follow the plan.
love you all so much and thank you once again for taking the time to talk with me xxxxxx onwards and upwards.

Hazel B
31-03-11, 17:02
Take care.:hugs:x