View Full Version : sensations ..

29-03-11, 22:45
does anyone have any tips on reduceing these nasty sensations that come with health anxiety?? im at my witts end now .. if only these aches and pains would stop maybe id be able to cope with the thoughts i have x

30-03-11, 15:28
Exercise is a good one. I know, I didn't beleive it at first either but getting up and really working up a sweat works wonders for health anxiety, or any form of anxiety to be honest.

It releases happy chemicals in our brains idk the name..endorphins I think so you end up feeling good mentally and physically and it exercises all those tight, tensed up muscles so it stops them aching. I used to get terrible leg & arm pain before I stared exercising. xx

30-03-11, 16:04
i started exerciseing but havent felt like it at a this last week maybe thats where im going wrong .. you say you used to get arm and leg pain? in what way? i get a nasty stingy pains in my arms and legs ,,just in small amouts not like the whole muscle just litte ones .. these scare me :( xx

30-03-11, 18:18
Stingy pains, crampy pains, really heavy aches, burning pains, freezing pains, ranging from one very tiny location to whole muscles, everything!

It's hard to get up and at it when you have anxiety, extremely hard. I put it off for...wow about 6 months lol? So don't feel bad for not doing it for a week. Have you tried rubbing moisturiser or lavander oil into the places that hurt? I used to rub my legs and feet a lot and it used to take some of the pain away because the pains in my legs used to set me off something terrible.

You also have to remember everybody gets aches and pains, nobody is immune. It's just because we have health anxiety we focus on it, we catastrophise and won't stop until we get an answer as to WHY our arm/leg/anything is hurting when more often than not it's just normal! The more we focus on it the more obvious it becomes to us too.

Long story short : don't worry if you don't feel like exercising today, take a warm bubble bath, give the parts of you that ache a rub or if you can't reach it get someone else to do it if you can and just relax and think happy thoughts! You'll be ok. :) xx