View Full Version : some reasurance please.....Bad ectopics :(

29-03-11, 23:33
I'm really looking for some reasurance tonight as my ectopics have started up again and they are making me panic. I feel awful :weep:

I seem to get them on and off, every few weeks. But they are making me terribly anxious tonight, i just cant lay down without feeling the odd thud in my chest. I just wish they would go!!!

30-03-11, 02:54
Hi Friend. I know exactly how you feel. Iv'e been having them for 42 years and i'm still around to talk about it. Usually they come and go and Iv'e had as many as hundreds of them in just a single day. Get yourself checked out with your GP and ask for every "hospital" heart test available (they will do it if you push them hard enough) ... Dont give up pushing your GP for the various tests!!! Meanwhile, try to ignore the ectopics and get on with your life (not easy, I know only too well). johnboy.

30-03-11, 07:00
Hi Clare
I have them full on at the moment too, I'm also having trouble breathing properly and get a pressure thing in my head. Alot of the time I have what feels like one after the other and I can feel them in my throat. Mine can go beat skip beat skip beat skip! I don't feel my pulse anymore because it terrifies me! It comes on when I have lots to do and get overwhelmed. I'm relaxing on the couch at the moment and feel calm. If you have had them checked then you need to just continue with what you need to do and repeat lots of calming phrases and tell yourself that they will ease as soon as you relax and let go.

Kel :)

30-03-11, 09:10
If you get them every few weeks, do you find that they coincide with the wrong time of the month? This seems to be a common time for a lot of women to get ectopics, and I've noticed this myself. If you do find it links to your periods, try evening primrose oil and eating bananas, as these both seem to contain minerals that help.

30-03-11, 20:48
Thanks guys. I've had echo's, ecg's and tapes done, and just been told they are benign, but i suffer with health anxiety and these started since so i think anxiety must play a big part in them. I'm forever feeling my pulse which i'm trying to stop as this just makes things worse. The last year i've suffered panic disorder too so if i feel my heart racing too fast, i think i will have an attack and then i do!!

I'm currently pregnant but i have noticed they do tend to be worse around the same time as a period.....

30-03-11, 21:00
:bighug1:thinking of you
x angie