View Full Version : coming off citalopram after 6 years ..please help with side effects i am experiencing

30-03-11, 02:40
Hi..im new to this site ,and have been reading some of your posts to do with starting citalopram and coming off them ..
im interested to see what side effects other people are having coming off them ..
ive been on them for about 6 years after sffering anxiety and panic attacks ,and have to say they did work really well ..i went from being on 10mg ,and ended up on 60mg ...
but after going for blood tests ,my colestoral level was getting higher and higher ,which ive heard can be to do with citalopram ..
and my platelets getting lower ..which my gp told me can be caused by these tablets also ,i decided it was time to reduce the dose and come off them ,
i went down by 10mg around every 3 weeks ..and have stopped them for around 2 weeks now ..
and was wondering does anyone else feel ..so tired , lack of concertration, aching limbs , unable to sleep ..slow at reacting ...especially when driving , had pulpitations although they are wearing off now ,and electric shock type feelings..and really dont want to do anything ..:shrug:

30-03-11, 02:41
Hi lorraine10973

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

30-03-11, 02:55
hi nicola ...thank you ,
cant wait x

03-04-11, 16:04
Hi Lorraine,

Firstly welcome to NMP....its a brilliant helpful site which connects you to people that are feeling and understanding how you are feeling.

Well done for coming off the citalopram after 6 years!!!

I think what you're describing is typical withdrawal symptoms, I have taken citalopram in the past and have definately suffered the electric shock syndrome...it does pass eventually and you will feel normal again!!! Not sure with the other feelings you experience...I would see how you go but if they continue then go and have a chat with your Gp...hopefully they will settle for you.

I wish you continued success with your withdrawal.


03-04-11, 22:43
A few tips that helped me..

Keeping warm
Making sure to keep your sugar levels high ( candy such as Sticks of Rock, hard boiled sweets, things you can suck that have lots of sugar! ) (helps with head zaps, head aches, giddiness )
Cold water ( ice cold )
Hot water bottles on your stomach and aches ( helps with tummy pain and other aches )
A few pain killers sometimes help ( but not every day , will likely make things worse , if took too much)
Lavender baths
Candles, Incense sticks ect
Thats all I can think of right now
apart from relaxing, playing games online and getting lots of sleep

04-04-11, 17:27
For everyone else coming off Citalopram.
I'm very new here and took my last 5mg of Cit. last Monday morning. So 1week in now. Managed to get a short walk with my (positively saintly) husband earlier today, but then I've managed that almost every day since I started this horrible drug in late November (a walk or a swim anyway). Taper this stuff off v.carefully if you're on it. I think at 63 cold turkey would have just about killed me - but I'm not going back on it or any other AD, that's for sure. A lot more to say, but I'm exhausted now.
Onward and onward, everybody - we'll get to the sunlit uplands eventually.

14-04-11, 22:27
You are doing well.I tried to half my 20mg to every other day three weeks ago, and wham!! 2weeks later the side effects kicked in.Aching flu like symptoms , pains in the head,exhaustion,wanting to sleep and aweful panic attacks.Felt like i was shutting down,oh! and diahorrea!I thought sod it and went back on 20mg,low and behold starting to feel 'normal' again after 2days of going back on them. I have been on them for 8years and 20mg is the highest i have been on and survived on 10mg for a few years. The main answer to these is to really come off them very slowly so the effects do not hit you as bad. I don't feel i will ever come off them as i truly 'hit the deck' without them. They are a good crutch.(for me ) I admire you for coming off them and i hope it goes well for you.

14-04-11, 22:32
me again, You mentioned cholesterol!! mine is high !! no one has mentioned to me about citalopram affecting cholesterol but when i go for my review iam going to mention it. Iam not on medication for it as iam low risk(apparently) .For what i eat it doesn't explain a 7.9 reading!!:shades:

01-09-11, 10:19
I am two weeks into withdrawal. The first week and half weren't desirable, but bearable. I was determined to come off as my mother had been on antidepressants for years and they completely changed her. I didn't like the way my emotions were dummed down by the drug, as I was always excitable and fun loving. On the drug I couldn't get excited about anything and was so indifferent to things.

I'm pleased to say that two week in to withdrawal I'm pretty much back to my old self. I'm excited about going out, I feel like I've a new lease of life.

The initial withdrawal was unpleasant but manageable. I was really tired all the time, my head felt very disorientated and I was incredibly dizzy, almost like I was drunk all the time. Then the nausea came along for about 5 days, with some indigestion. I had a night out with a bit of alcohol, worried that it would make me feel worse, but surprisingly I woke up feeling quite good. From then on I felt better and better!

It worked for me coming off the tablets. I would suggest seeing a doctor first if you wish to come off, as they are medically minded and can give you reputable advice, but I knew I would be fobbed off for months with reduced dosage etc. And for me it's all or nothing, so I'm please to say my intuition was sound.

Good luck x

02-09-11, 00:24
Hiya and welcome to NMP I hope you find the help and advice here and maybe make a few friends in the process
