View Full Version : Relationship turned nasty

09-04-06, 19:12
Hi All

Guess I am just posting for support and to off load

I have got worse over the past few weeks, Been to crisis centre, Docs Countless time and A&E Lots!

I have had a lot of money worries and have now got a new house, First night was last night and my Boyfriend and I were settled in with dogs

We had a couple of drinks and I was fine, then bed time, I go to bed and bang full on panic attack, anxiety the lot, had my urge to get to my mums so off i went with him ok or so i thought....... left at 4am and got Back at 8am, he had left my dogs to run riot so sorted then out and went to bed and took my little puppy, he lost it with me and pushed me and my little dog and accused me of always having to go out to see another man, this is not true just like to be near my mum as she trys to help me and he shouts at me,

It ended up with him throwing me out onto the street in my pyjams (house in my name) so ended up ringing the police as I was having major panic and they got him to leave, he called me lots of names and has turned all our friends against me, I feel that even though he is so awful too me that It is my fault and I will now alone forever, I hate the verbal abuse but am scared to move on for fear of been alone, he says I am weak and worthless and that just sums up how I feel,

I am sorry to rant but I want out of this life, no money, messed up job, waste of time relationship, no friends, constant bad anxiety and my son rather be with other family, I have nothing left, even my mum wants a break from me because of her parkinsons disease, It feels over

Wendy xx

09-04-06, 19:20
Hi Wendy

For starters hun you are not weak or worthless & you certainly do'nt need this jerk.

It will take time to get used to but you will get through this.
You are a strong & good person who can do so much better than this horrible man.

Remember he is the no one not you.

We are all here for your support.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

09-04-06, 20:46
Wendy, i am the worst person for being on my own trust me i hate it totally, but in time you do eventually get used to it,.
Listen to me wendy, abusive relationships destroy and tear you apart..i am a living(just about living) example--- i know mine was extremley violent and extremley abusive and i did end up in a refuge because of my last partner---ive also spent a great deal of time around women who 2 were totally lost in thier souls, so sad to see..i was so oviously one of them ..i only came from there last year... wendy i guess what i am saying is this... that man (ex i hope) of yours yeah ,,, you need to get rid once and for all, this lonley thing you can do it mate, i have and you can..please dont go near him, he is a controlling bully,, and things will only get worse love, if they havnt already ...of which maybe you havnt

told us the full story and thats up to you love... but stay away... love isnt surposed to hurt.

Wendy i know how ya feeling mate, i feel so alone i have no-one around --family or friends me i can turn to atall mate, thats why i come here.. wendy we have each other and we will all help each other..

pm me when you come online love okx

ashley x

09-04-06, 21:12
Sorry...I don't have any advice, just wanted to give you a (hug). My panic attacks are recent and my husband just doesn't get it either. Your health is the most important thing for you...right? There is help out there for you as I am also coming to find out. You deserve to be healthy and happy and your husband needs to keep his own bs and stress to himself!