View Full Version : Heavy bags under my eyes

30-03-11, 13:59
Hi guys,

I have really heavy bags under my eyes that seem to have appeared from no-where. I constantly look shattered and it's taking my already limited confidence away. I'm thinking that they perhaps have been there longer but I just haven't noticed them because I've been so focused on my HA and now that's a little more under control I'm shocked at how I look!!!!

Could anxiety/stress cause bags under my eyes? I'm hoping they will disappear now that I'm not so anxious. Perhaps I need to lie down with some cucumbers or teabags on my eyes :D

K xx

paula lynne
30-03-11, 15:27
Hi K, our health often reflects in our face, so yes, anxiety can play havoc with our complexions! Alcohol is the biggest enemy of under eye bags, and sleep its best friend. Keep hydrated (6 glasses of water a day)...and try this tip from supermodels..........they use haemorroid cream on their bags for instant lift! x

30-03-11, 15:50
hey kah,

do you experience hayfever at all. from now until october my eyes are all puffy with bags underneath... i try eye drops but they don't make too much difference unfortunately... i reckon i'll try the piles cream Paula :ohmy:


30-03-11, 17:39
I don't drink at all and apart from being woken up through the night by my 2 daughters occasionally I sleep fairly well (aided by my Mirtazipine!!). A few months ago I would already have 'googled' dark circles under eyes but as I can't do that anymore I'll just try the piles cream!!!

Thanks guys


P.S. I don't have hayfever either!

paula lynne
30-03-11, 17:53
Get the clear gel one, the cream one takes ages to sink in...not that I know :blush:

30-03-11, 19:02
Get the clear gel one, the cream one takes ages to sink in...not that I know :blush:

Thanks chick :winks:

30-03-11, 19:24
Also caused by genetics, I have had these since I was 10

30-03-11, 20:07
I've never had them before!

30-03-11, 21:15
I've never had them before!

My sisters only appeared when she was 21!

31-03-11, 08:19
My sisters only appeared when she was 21!

Wish I was 21, I'm (I@m) 36 :blush: !!!!!!!!

04-04-11, 21:08
I would NOT recommend putting pile cream on your face FFS! They contain steroids (hydrocortisone) which thins the skin and you should absolutely NOT be putting that anywhere near your eyes! I had severe eczema caused by allergies around my eyes and my Dr was reluctant to give me any treatment for it because steroids can do so much damage in the delicate eye area. Be careful. :flowers:

I would recommend a good moisturiser and a good cover up stick. I have a beauty diploma so please feel free to PM if you want more specific advice.

04-04-11, 22:17
Get the clear gel one, the cream one takes ages to sink in...not that I know :blush:

Where do you get the clear gel piles cream? I've never heard of it.

I'll use the cream for both! :D x

04-04-11, 22:25
I am really not kidding when I say you could do a lot of damage to your eyes and skin by using pile cream on your face.

04-04-11, 22:29
I am really not kidding when I say you could do a lot of damage to your eyes and skin by using pile cream on your face.

I hadn't read your post then but I will take your advice on board.

Cheers. x

paula lynne
04-04-11, 22:58
Just to point out, I dont endorse putting pile cream on your face. BUT, I read that in a well know BEAUTY magazine.....so the beauty industry is obviously putting this rather dangerous advice out there for all us women to see. And as we all know, in this rather beauty orientated society, us mere mortals will try anything to look better. Shame on the beauty industry in that case. And I genuinely didnt know it was so dangerous to use near eyes or I would never have suggested it. Im mortified Kah that I could have caused you harm...sorry x

05-04-11, 08:19
Hey Paula,
Don't worry I hadn't gone and got any yet!
Thanks Shoegal for the advice.

K xx

05-04-11, 08:23
I'm just thankful you didn't end up with eye sockets like bum holes! :whistles:

05-04-11, 08:27
I used pile cream for lines around my eyes and it worked,i also read it a few times in beauty mags..this was years ago,but anyway it was mentioned on This Morning i think a wee while ago as a beauty tip BUT someone stated they had taken the stuff out of the cream that did it.x

05-04-11, 08:35
I think some pile creams have steroids in them and others don't but people reading this thread might not realise that there is a difference! The ones that contain hydrocortisone (which is a steroid) would be dangerous to apply to the face, especially in the delicate eye area.

I will say one thing though, at least if someone accidentally stumbles upon a tube of anusol in your bathroom you can say 'Oh, that's my eye cream'... :winks: