View Full Version : Hi, I'm New to the forum.

30-03-11, 15:02
Hi all, New to the forum although have seen it a few times while googling things to do with my medication and symptoms.

Im currently taking sertraline for my depression have been taking it for 4 weeks now although I don't really feel any different for it.

Just started getting dizzy over the last few days which is really horrible and something i suffered with for two years after I had my son. It stopped in the last year but has come back after I had a cold it would seem.
Had ct scan in the past where the person said it may just be migraines. Then I was sent to a physiotherapist who said I had an inner ear disorder which was causing my dizzyness but the doctor had also mentioned that it may be down to anxiety but i dont really think it is.
Sorry this is so long for a first post.

I'm really hoping to find someone who maybe knows a little bit about what i'm going through cos' I feel nobody realy believes me about my dizziness and its really quite scary.

Katie xx

30-03-11, 15:04
Hi Katie1989

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

01-04-11, 12:48
Hi thank you. xx

01-04-11, 13:37
I too suffer from dizziness, i had all sorts of blood tests which came back as nothing wrong with me. Then in the last couple of weeks some things happened in my personal life which caused me to be come very depressed so I went back and saw the same doctor. They think previously the dizziness was linked to my anxiety but becuase i didnt say anything about feeling depressed they did not link it. Now I am also thinking it is linked. It is really horrible and I also get quite panicked about doing certain things now like going to supermarket in case I feel dizzy, so i think i bring it on myself sometimes. I am taking citalopram which i have only just started and i think this may be making it worse at the moment.

01-04-11, 13:55
Hi Katie and welcome. I to suffer with dizzy spells and have been told by soem really knowledgable people on here that it is normal when you suffer with depression and anx. Take care

01-04-11, 14:28
Hi Katie, I do sometimes get a dizzy feeling when experiencing a panic attack. So I've read its not uncommon for people who have anxiety attacks. Best to do what you've done though and get a medical professionals opinion to put your mind at rest. Take care. B

ps. Couldn't be a side effect of the tablets could it?

paula lynne
01-04-11, 14:35
Hi Katie, welcome aboard. another dizzy dora here. Nice to have you with us! x:welcome:

02-04-11, 10:12
Hi everyone, thanks for your replies.

It is a side effect of sertraline i think but it's only just started after nearly 5 weeks of taking it..

I find it difficult to believe that its a mental thing cos it is so real to me and ruined my life for 2 years. Really hoping the doctors will listen this time. xx