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30-03-11, 16:33
The past few days i have managed to convince myself i have MS. i got a numb feeling to my thigh the other morning that lasted all day and now i have a tingling sensation in my left leg and all over i think it worsens the more i think of it :( cancer used to be my MAIN fear but now that i have gone tru all the cancers.... i seem to think i now have this!!! anybody else afraid of getting ms or having it??? is tingling common in one leg?? :shrug:

30-03-11, 17:17
Yes im the same

Im having an off balance lightheaded feeling for a while with left sided headaches/migraines

i dont appear to have any weakness in my arms or legs but i do get mild pain in my fingers and a numb arm

ive been thinking MS for a couple of days then i go and think every saturday i manage to go out and play competitive league football for 90 mins! and i can go shopping and carry very heavy bags! (after the lights in the shops make me very off balance and lightheaded)

i have appointment tommorow at docs

30-03-11, 18:22
can MS kill you? or do u live a relative normal life?! i hear it doesnt kill u but it can produce nasty symptoms such as weak legs and numbness ect. i get hot patches on my skin aswel suddenly goes hot randomly :( i shud of never googled. maybe my tingling in my leg is something got to do with lower back strain?? im the same tho wen im busy doing things or out with friends i dont seem too be bothered by it. anxiety too can cause tingling but i just dont know

30-03-11, 18:26
MS also dosent go away so when you are busy it wouldnt go!

thats why im concerned on my light headed feeling as its there 24/7 when im walking

I try not to read up on it as that makes you worse. But i would imagine with todays modern medicines you can deal with it alot better than you could 20 years ago

30-03-11, 18:30
very true! i tend to zone in a bit too much! not ideal :( hopefully it will be gone by tmrw! if not ill panic as ever! i get those left sided headaches aswel. always on the one side. i suffer migraines tho but i usually get an aura before the migraine, often i get the one sided pain but no aura. is light headed a symptom of MS? have u any other problems? like pins and needles? id be very worried if my arms or legs were weak! its good ure going to ure doc about it tho

30-03-11, 18:36
left sided migraines here too (throbbing left temple, pressure behind eye feeling)..and 24/7 light headed feeling..been like it 6 weeks now.

Had an MRI yesterday..results end of this week or early next..I'm really nervous. Doctor wasn't worried, says it's a tension headache/anxiety.

We shall see..

30-03-11, 18:39
left sided migraines here too (throbbing left temple, pressure behind eye feeling)..and 24/7 light headed feeling..been like it 6 weeks now.

Had an MRI yesterday..results end of this week or early next..I'm really nervous. Doctor wasn't worried, says it's a tension headache/anxiety.

We shall see..

What are they checking for??

30-03-11, 18:40
Well my vision is flickery/Jumpy and ive had floaters for a while and im constantly lightheaded when i stand up and walk around

I get left sided headaches and neck pain and have noticed random twitches in my legs. and very mild inner tremor thats hardly noticeable which strangly seems to be more left hand sided aswell

i dont really get pins and needles or tingles as such but i get slightly numb hands and finger pain and when i walk abit my legs feel funny

These are all symptoms of so many things yet i concentrate on the bad one! MS... it could be something simple like a pinched nerve in my neck as i have very poor posture and im always on my laptop leaning on my arms etc in bed.

I lost my job in december and have been struggling with debts since so i was very stressed and started having panic attacks my whole body is totally tense all the time and i cant relax

In febuary i got an ear infection (left sided) and was totally deaf in one ear which gradually came back so i am thinking my dizzy/lightheaded feeling can be from this. im also having toothache on th eleft side too.

But ive just been into town shopping and managed to carry lots of heavy bags. I can drive fine etc so that sort of puts me at ease of MS but it still wont stop me thinking ive got it because thats part of anxiety

30-03-11, 18:49
What are they checking for??

Brain tumor but that's for my own peace of mind, the doctor wants to do one to reduce my anxiety, says I don't have the typical symptoms for anything to worry about..but I'm still worried!

Karl - my eye floaters have got worse the past 2 months too..and i have same symptoms..strange

30-03-11, 18:54
Karl - my eye floaters have got worse the past 2 months too..and i have same symptoms..strange

I also forgot to mention my jaw clicks and locks badly too.

Which points me down to TMJ

Health anxiety is a pain ive litrally over the last 4 days gone from having

inner ear disorder
Brain Tumor
Sinus Infection

etc etc

Hope you guys start to feel better soon i see tommorows appointment with my dr as my stepping stone to recovery

30-03-11, 22:54
I also forgot to mention my jaw clicks and locks badly too.

Which points me down to TMJ

Health anxiety is a pain ive litrally over the last 4 days gone from having

inner ear disorder
Brain Tumor
Sinus Infection

etc etc

Hope you guys start to feel better soon i see tommorows appointment with my dr as my stepping stone to recovery

Best of luck..keep us posted how you get on/progress etc

30-03-11, 23:12
Hi Karl , carlos

I was haveing a long chat to someone this week who has had themselves and seen first hand what symtoms anxiety can cause . I mentioned to this person about my swallowing problem (something i focus on all the time) and the smile on there face and the knowing grin that they new what i was going to say.....it was such a relief to hear there story about there battle with anxiety .

Eye floaters ruining there life , going from one thing that they focus on only to get rid of that when they focus on something else , chest pain , face numbness , etc etc etc etc etc ......

Always best to get a check up as it will put your mind at rest , you are doing the right thing .

I truely believe you are fine mate , its HA thats doing this to you . The more i read the more i learn to ignore and the better i am feeling .

I,ve even eaten tonight without any problems , i,m on cloud nine :D

You have to believe you are fine to feel fine , thats the conclusion i,m comeing to but its not easy .

Take care guys :yesyes:

31-03-11, 15:29
Thanks Mel, your right..the amount of things I've obsessed over the past few years as been unbelieveable..all health related

01-04-11, 12:20
To all those that ar worried they have MS.The best way to know for sure is to ask your GP for a MRI scan on you brain and back to see if there are any lesions there. That is the only thing I can suggest. MS is a gradual disease and ther are remissions. Modern medicine is there if diagnosis is sooner than later
All the best to you all

Yeah I had one, just waiting for results! Yikes! I hate waiting :unsure:

01-04-11, 15:06
i had blood tests results yesterday that came back allperfect so i dont think im seriously ill but i am still getting slight numbness in hands and somtimes feel as if a bug is crawling up my leg.

Also the lightheadedness.

It seems to ease off if i lay down so i keep trying to tell myself this would constant if it was serious.

02-04-11, 11:11
i had blood tests results yesterday that came back allperfect so i dont think im seriously ill but i am still getting slight numbness in hands and somtimes feel as if a bug is crawling up my leg.

Also the lightheadedness.

It seems to ease off if i lay down so i keep trying to tell myself this would constant if it was serious.

Good to hear mate, glad it's all clear! Keep positive

08-04-11, 14:47
To all those that ar worried they have MS.The best way to know for sure is to ask your GP for a MRI scan on you brain and back to see if there are any lesions there. That is the only thing I can suggest. MS is a gradual disease and ther are remissions. Modern medicine is there if diagnosis is sooner than later
All the best to you all

If you go to your Dr and ask him to check you out .He will refer you to the hospital IF HE THINKS YOU NEED IT .You cannot just ask for Scans just to put your mind at ease .Unless of course you are going to pay for it privately .These scans cost hundreds of pounds ,where would we all be if we had tests that were unwarranted .? Sue