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30-03-11, 17:43
hi guys
for the last couple of wks iv kinda been in a low mood and having panic attacks.also when get up around 4am as i cant get past 6 hrs sleep im kinda talking to myself in my head all rubbish stuff but it wakes me up when i get up im still doing it i cant seem to switch off ..this is really bothering me feels like im losing it .this wk i feel in a low mood and feel like crying then i try to pull myself together it works for a bit . but im going to Portugal on Friday for a wk im worried in case i crack up and lose it while im over there how would i go on. my wife and me have a really bad yr last yr when we nearly lost our son when he had a op to remove his colostomy bag and have it reversed . hes OK now but it was hell for us all iv had anxiety for around 15 yrs now i still work for myself and have always managed to cope

30-03-11, 18:18
Hi Melvin have you had any therapy at all. Cbt worked really well for taught me how to cope with general anxiety build ups a lot better and it has made a big difference to my life

30-03-11, 18:26
hi Davy
yes iv had cbt etc etc trouble is mate when i go i seem to get better with in a couple of weeks then when i go i have no symptoms so i find it really hard to work on something when i have no symptoms i feel im wasting their time because nothing has happened if you no what i mean i kinda dip low for awk or so then OK for a couple of months

30-03-11, 22:55
Hi Melvin

Sorry i can,t offer any words of wisdom as i,m still learning about anxiety as its new to me . Perhaps take some diazapam with you if you can get them perscribed ? ..as a security thing if you know what i mean . I,m sure you will be fine on a relaxing holiday with the family .

Have a great time mate :yesyes:

31-03-11, 01:43
Hi Melvin
I've tried CBT but it didn't really work for me to be honest at the time. You may have already read or heard of it but my friend gave me a book called Self Help For Your Nerves by Dr Claire Weeks and it's fantastic. It has some really inspiring stories from people suffering with anxiety and depression and some fantastic techniques which really work for anxiety. I hope you have a lovely holiday, you deserve it.
Love Tina x

31-03-11, 18:37
thanks for ur replys guys:)

31-03-11, 19:09
Hello Melvin,
Hope you are feeeling a bit better today. What really works for me is exercise. Nothing had such a good effect on my anxiety as this.Enjoy your vacation!

31-03-11, 20:00
Hi Melvin

Your post really struck a chord with me - I have struggled with similar episodes over the last 5 years. These started with a traumatic episode - my wife having an epileptic fit and from then on I seem wired to be anxious, on-edge, very panicky and palgued by repetitive thoughts.

I can only say what has helped me in the hope that some of it is useful to you:

Mild exercise does help. Nothing major - just a 30 min walk outside.
Distraction is a great help. I know how difficult this is when your mind is racing but persist.
It sounds trite but laughter helps. I find myself drawn to melancholic music, films etc when I am at my worst but those are the times to resist
I have similar fears when travelling but I use propranolol to at least take the edge off the panic symptoms
Be kind to yourself. When my wife was ill I took on such a burden as I felt it was my duty. Looking back this was a big mistake.
I think this is the most important technique I have used - make a "deal" with yourself at night when you wake with a racing mind. Agree with yourself that you will think about these things but not at that time. The night is the wrong time to think about anything - I'm told its something to do with chemicals in the body etc but whatever the reason tell yourself that you will only give the thoughts time during the daytime. Not easy but it can be done.
Sorry I've gone on a bit but I hope you get some use out of my ramblings. P.S. "The Depression Learning Path" available on the web is enlightening when it comes to the effect of poor sleep quality and rumanative thinking

Take care