View Full Version : Pressure in head/sinuses and spaced out

30-03-11, 18:40
Every day I have periods of time where I experience intense (but not painful) head and sinus pressure for an hour or so. This has been going on for about a month and was previously coupled with anxiety symptoms such as palpitations.

More recently the palpitations have calmed down, however, I'm still getting this head pressure (which is associated with a really spaced out feeling). Also, I suffer from post nasal drip and often feel as though my sinuses clog up around the same time.

Could it be the case that health anxiety was misdiagnosed by my doctor when intact I'm suffering from bad allergies? I've never heard of someones nose/sinuses becoming blocked alongside anxiety episodes. Also, my "ear tubes" seem quite blocked and sometimes squelch when I move my jaw...

If anyone has any ideas I'd really appreciate it!

30-03-11, 18:42
Could be a sinus infection.

Try taking some decongestant

30-03-11, 19:21
I've tried that. The reason I don't think it's consistent with a sinus infection is the fact it's only for certain periods of time throughout the day. Often I can breath perfectly fine and have no sinus discomfort.

The ear squelch thing is always there though...but it causes no pain.

31-03-11, 17:16
I have suffered from post nasal drip for as long as I can remember and a couple of years ago found out that i am allergic to grass so yes have hay fever but i get it all year round, think its called rhinitus, i constantly spend my day getting head pressure and giddy then it calms down and im ok again, convinced i have something wrong with my head or a sinus infection but the fact it comes and goes throughout the day doesnt back it up. Also been to ENT and had balance tests and everything that goes with it including the camera up your nose:blush: but the fact is without taking anti-histimines or some sort of nose spray I have to put up with it, I do however use a nose wash which is ok its just a salt water solution in a can easy to use and it does help abit. I am not one for medication so I do like an alternative. However I have noticed aswell that when I get tense it gives me the same pressure feeling behind my eyes and behind the bridge of my nose and round the back of my neck thats when i feel like i am being pulled all over the place. Another problem with Post Nasal Drip is that because its constantly going down the back of your throat you keep coughing and it gets all sore, in addition this can cause stomach acid which actually can make the PND worse and vica versa, such a vicious cycle, stress can also cause this or at the very least make the situation worse but it may well be an allergy aswell, infact this time of year is always bad for me and there isnt even any grass seed out. Perhaps its worth asking your doctor about allergy testing, i find a bit of vicks vapo rub under my nose helps clear a bit but dont use it too often as it can cause a rebound action and make things worse as i have found on many occasion. Also try massaging where it hurts it could be muscular especially if you sit at a desk and computer all day as i do. Oh and there is a tube that goes from your ear to the back of your nose area and this is what you can hear when you open and close your mouth that goey sound, the tube should be kept clear as it regulates the pressure in your ear but can get clogged up when you have a cold or indeed PND, myn makes the sound all the time when I open and close my mouth wide or when eating. Hope this helps:)

31-03-11, 18:18
I too suffer with this pressure more so when stressed and anxious. I get a gripping sensation at the back of my neck and my sinuses feel blocked. it lasts for a few hours depending on how i can relax. Hope this helps x

01-04-11, 07:05
I HAVE ALL OF THE ABOVE i get bad head pressure for 9 months now

01-04-11, 18:42
This spaced out feeling is really doing my head in! I've been on citalopram for 2 weeks now, could that be anything to do with it?

I've also had a weird numb feeling in my left cheek for the last few days (even though it's not numb to the touch and the muscles move fine). Infact, my left wrist and ankle feel a bit odd too...could this be anxiety?