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30-03-11, 20:19
Hi I was on the lol one hour ago and there was a blue liquid in loo( bleach I assume) but .. Here's the embarassing part. I was using it and I felt some of the liquid touch me. Not sure if u can guess how but I'd rather not describe it. I panicked and had A bath straight away but I'm s worries

30-03-11, 20:25
I've spilt bleach products all over my skin when cleaning etc and never had any problems. Just wash it off with water and you'll be fine. The commercial loo cleaners aren't that strong anyway......stop worrying now. xxxxxx

30-03-11, 21:03
Thanks I washed straight away lol. Also how common arw bed bugs. I find i scratch moré in my own house. I have Marrks on my back that look like whip marks. I showed my friend and they gasped. I also have. Sore red dry peeling armpit

30-03-11, 21:14
I used to clean myself with bleach, actually pour it neat on my skin, not diluted at all.

Did that for about 6 months when my OCD was bad.

So if a little bit touched you I really wouldnt worry.

macc noodle
30-03-11, 23:17
You will be fine hun - a splash won't hurt you. You did the right thing by bathing to make sure that it did not irritate your skin.


31-03-11, 14:03
:flowers: Thanks. I feel a mess lol x.
Today has been horrible, ive got a painful mouth- all under tounge hurts and it hurts like hell when i yawn which is happening a lot. I also have the two spot things in my mouth still. Also feelings in ear- just got pain around ear now and very occasiaonly (havnt had for weeks a pop in ear) also pain in and around nose and painful teeth and gums sometimes. very worried about cancer. Also used to have a thing when my throat would spasm and felt like i was chocking (would just happen randomly when i was least anxious and i would gasp for air) then it would go after about 10-15 seconds. Also was in bed the other night and tummy was making noises for half an hour and throat to- not hunger noises. Also i think my bed is the cause of the itchiness which is terrible at the moment.
Ive had this for before anxiety but i get pain in ankles (like a twisted ankle and my toes squeeze together) and random back spasms that happen once every few weeks.

31-03-11, 17:07
also about five mins. ago i had a moment where everything went quieter and my ears felt kind of fuzzy. feel vert werid now and scared i may faint or collaspe or have a seizure.

i also have the wosrt muscle pain sometimes everywere and just feel so weak and dont want to move

31-03-11, 19:41
last thing is i also cough on air for no reason and sometimes get little bits up from throat (like sand particles in throat) also the other day got a little red thing up from my throat.

31-03-11, 21:49
I just coughed randomly on the air again and now a Piece of apple I ate earlier came up. I'm always coughing on the air

31-03-11, 21:57
Also my bed is what makes me itch. Doesn't hapeen anywere else or in anyone elses bed. My skins so damaged n I don't want to be in my bed tonight it's so uncomfy.

01-04-11, 16:22
I woke up today with really sore armpits. Need to see doc about skin but im convinced my bed is the issue. I also just started coughing randonly again for a few seconds. Also today at college i had my hand on one side of head all day and was pulling on my hair a lot, got quite a sore head now. Also had to rush to do my hair (dry and striaghten it) this morning as i was running late.

01-04-11, 19:55
head feels sore on what side where i was tuggiong on hair wothout knowing it. Also tounge still feels swollen but throat doesnt hurt when i swallow like yesterday. Also my bed made me so itchy last night

01-04-11, 23:52
Have you talked to your GP?

02-04-11, 12:47
I havnt spoken to my gp since mid feb.

02-04-11, 16:08
today ive got severe upper body muscle pain (not in chest) just shoulder area. and ive been hot and sweating all day :( i also just felt sore were i pulled on my hair a lot yesterday (out of anger and stress) i dont feel anxious though.
Also the last few days its been hurting to use one arm (the upper part would ache like hell)

also got a pain in my right ear now!

02-04-11, 18:24
I also still have the spots? in mouth and they feel like theyve gotten bigger. two days ago i had a painful mouth, could not yawn/swallow because it hurt. and i have been coughing randomly on air.
Im just not coping tonight.
i remember when i was at dentist he asked me to move my tounge side to side and up and down. im terrified he was checking for something drastic and that i have oral cancer or an infection in my mouth. the pain was so bad two days ago.

also have a pain in right hand (on my 2nd finger now on one side near the bottom) it really hurts. I just cant cope anymore. I also still get the feeling like all fingers are crossing over on that hand.

02-04-11, 21:25
also my stools change daily (hard one day- soft next) and i have had a period since i think mid feb

02-04-11, 22:06
Have you seen a doctor recently? Are you on any medication? You really can get help for this..

02-04-11, 22:11
The Last time i saw my doc was mid feb. medication was mentioned in december time but i said no to it as i get worried about taking it because i then focus on the side effects. I have counessling this wednesday though.

02-04-11, 22:28
Good it sounds like what you need to stop worrying and over thinking everything. I was cautious of medication too and thought I can beat it without but in the end I tried it as there was nowhere else to turn and it helped me out :) If you ever need any help drop me a pm

03-04-11, 18:05
Thank you x
I still feel like i dont need medication- i would proberly never take it even if i got prescrbied it, so i dont want to waste NHS money buy having them sitting here and me not taking them.
Not had a good day today, I did my nails this morning and i bits already chipped of and because ive been nervous all day ive been biting on my nails and i feel like i can tatse nail varnish.

03-04-11, 18:58
hey emma i get really bad musle pain and hardly can move sumtimes and i lose my hearing to and get hot flushes and feel like im going to faint but u just got to fight it bbbe it will pass i went for a meal with my family today and started getting all that and u just got to fight it bbe xx