View Full Version : Very proud of myself!

30-03-11, 20:26
Well, I am very proud of myself. :D When I first got anxiety and depression (about 7 months ago), when my other half had to stay overnight on business, I would have to have someone stay over or stay at their place. I would be so scared to sleep on my own in case my anxiety or depression came back and I was all alone

7 months in, being on the correct dose of Citalopram for me, I also have counselling and am working hard every day to get better. My other half went to Boston on Sunday for 10 days!! I was in a bit of a state leading up to it, was in a real state the day he went, but I have been fine since! It is now Wednesday and I have slept fine on my own in the flat for the past 3 nights. I am so proud of myself, if someone was to tell me a few months ago that I would be coping with this, I wouldnt' have believed it! :yesyes:

30-03-11, 20:37
Well done! I used to be like this when my husband went away, so I know how hard it is. It's brill that you're beating it though, that's 1-0 to you versus anxiety!

30-03-11, 21:50
That's fantastic to hear Heavenly, a real success story!! I wish you every success for the future, this is a giant leap in the right direction :)

30-03-11, 21:50
Well done! I don't find it easy sleeping alone in the house either. I'm always scared I'll wake with a panic attack. My husband is going away next weekend so I'll be on my own on the Saturday night. I'm already a bit worried. You should be very proud of yourself for managing since Sunday!

Laura x

Hazel B
30-03-11, 21:52
Well Done!


31-03-11, 02:51
This is fantastic Heavenly, very well done and what a boost it will be for your confidence xxx

31-03-11, 09:50
Well done chuck.....hearing how people are progressing on this forum is really important for everyone I think! x

31-03-11, 09:57
Thanks everyone. It really is a big step for me. :D

31-03-11, 15:13
heavenly, i am very proud of you too. well done, you must feel like dancing on the ceiling! :yahoo:

31-03-11, 15:55
A big well done Heavenly .You deserve to be proud of yourself .You have done so very well since you joined here .Onward and upward ..:yahoo::bighug1:luv Sue xx

31-03-11, 16:26
well done heavenly, really pleased for you. x