View Full Version : I'm out and not so bad!

31-03-11, 00:12
Hi, I spent a little time in St Georges nut school in Morpeth Northumberland recently. They did some great work with me, I learned a lot of stuff about myself this time. They did re-drug me for a few days to try and get my head under control, stop this obsession I had with cutting more fingers off, it has got me grounded, made me understand what and why this problem occurs in my head.
Since my case has been so extreme I have been invited to take part in a self harm government project headed by a Spanish guy (sounds ominous) offering a budgeted placement in a hospital in Nice, France.
Is all a bit crazy but I've got a week with my parents before I head off. Not time to chill but time to put me back in my mental state so I can undergo these tests and be part of this project.
They have offered me £10,000 for the six month observation project under semi natural surroundings.
So for the hater that doubted me before I was sectioned last time, maybe you can learn something from this. The world is bigger than your problems, some of us live it and try to help others. You keep putting people down coz we are extreme or even nuts, you will never get well.
I'll keep you updated on how crazy it gets, but up to now, for what it us, they seem genuinely I interested in understanding why I self harm to such a degree.
God bless you all,

paula lynne
31-03-11, 00:16
All the best Scrub for your 6 monthes in France!
Im sorry that someone made you feel that way, lets hope things work out for you. Let us know how it goes! Good luck! :D