View Full Version : So fed up of this!

31-03-11, 09:31
I'm 17 years old and for the past couple of months I think I have been suffering with panic attacks/anxiety/health anxiety.
It first started with feeling extremely short of breath, out of the blue, which made me incredibly scared. I visited the doctors and they did an asthma check for which I was fine and told me to come if my problems persist. I then visited another doctor who sent me for blood tests and a chest x-ray which all came back perfectly normal. Although this was reassuring I can't help but think they have missed something as the symptoms were still there. Throughout this time, living my normal life has been incredibly hard as all I can think about is that I'm going to stop breathing and die. Extreme I know but that's what it feels like. I therefore tried to stop going to college for as much as possible and using public transport became a nightmare as I have to keep thinking of ways to escape if something happened.
My family are not really sympathetic as they say I have been checked and my body is fine and it's 'all in my head'. I know it probably is 'all in my head' but I can't get away from feeling like this. I'm sick of it, I just want to feel normal again.
Today I can now feel a sharp shooting pain in the left side of my body and I'm scared to move in case I make it worse.
Someone please help me.

31-03-11, 16:38
It's hard to trust doctors when they are not there with you when these symptoms are happening but they do know there job, it sounds like they have done all the basic checks for asthma and your ok, the fact that you dont want to go on public transport because you cant find an escape route backs up the panic theory and not an illness theory. I think breathing problems is one of the most commenest forms of panic and it always for me seems to be the first symptom when panicing, you wont stop breathing your body is too clever for that, the more you try and concentrate on your breathing the worse it feels, have a look at the hyperventalation explanation on this site its in symptoms it put my mind at rest and I have been suffering for 20 years, in addition the hardest part is trying not to think about it and learning some relaxation techniques and if it does happen again you'll be ready for it and know what to do, personally I have found that singing is a good way to get your breathing back under control but understand it may be a bit awkward on the bus.:wacko: However if you are still worried go back to the doctors and tell them your fears, that in itself might put your mind at rest. Good luck:yesyes: