View Full Version : I am new to all this

31-03-11, 10:38
Hi, I am new to all this and have only recently been diagnosed with suffering from anxiety & depression. I ahve been pescribed Citrolpram which I have just started taking this week. I have never used forums before but I am keen to get talking to other people who are also suffering from this. Been having a really tough time lately and just hoping I can get some support and encouragement.

31-03-11, 10:42
Hi vickyh

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

paula lynne
31-03-11, 10:42
Hi Vicky welcome to the forum, good to have you with us. Theres loads of support and advice here, and you'll make some good friends along the way. You're not alone x:welcome:

31-03-11, 13:01
Hi Vicky and :welcome:

I to am fairly new to this. It all began for me in December totally out of the blue. I'm also on Citalopram and have been off work since however hope to be going back next week. I probably have suffered and to a certain extent still am suffering from silmiar issues to yourself. You'll find a lot of support, advice and real experiences from people on here. I'm around if you need to chat, Take Care. :yesyes:

31-03-11, 13:19
Hi Bravedart and welcome to you, I was off work for two weeks and was advised I could have more time off but made the decision to come back to work otherwise I think I may have made myself worse and made it harder to come back. It was very difficult but I made it through the first day and I am now near the end of the week. I told some of my work colleagues who have been really supportive.

I am finding it best to take the citrolpram in the evening as it makes me feel a bit sick and dizzy and then I dont seem to have the symptoms in the day so far, although I have only been taking them for a few days.

Like you this all came out of the blue really, things were going ok and then a lot in my life went wrong and it turned it upside down. Apart from the tablets I have requested councilling but that hasnt come about so I thought I would join a forum. :)

31-03-11, 13:23
Hi Vicky

I think you did the right thing by going back, I should have done the same however was really ill :ohmy:. The sickness etc you're feeling is the tablets kicking in. Usually this is accompanied with headache for some people however usually passes in two weeks or so. I to have been waiting for counselling for 3 months :scared15:. Ironically I've worked in Mental Health for twelve years so knew refferals took a while but not this long.... :D. You coping ok with the physical symptoms If you have any?

01-04-11, 13:41
Hi, headaches started last night and today been really nauseaus but have been nibbling on ginger biscuits which has helped a little. I am finding chatting to people on here helps with understanding that we are not alone in this. My main symptoms are feeling dizzy, which I get a lot particularly when going to public places where there are lots of people, I even get it at work.

paula lynne
01-04-11, 13:47
Hi Vicky.x
Remember.as far as anxiety goes..dizzyness is a sensation.....not a symptom of some dreadful disease. It usually increases in stressful situations like going to public places, unfamiliar places, and work. Hopefully, soon you will be able to get on with your day despite feeling dizzy. Ive been dizzy for 10 years, and petrified of fainting, but I never have fainted.
Have a read of panic attacks and anxiety in the left hand column, it gives a list of common sensations you get with anxiety. Youre not alone love ok x

01-04-11, 13:52
Hi Vicky and welcome, I am relativly new to the site but there are some awesome people on here with wealth of knowledge just waiting to help.

02-04-11, 12:50
Hi Vicky

Hopefully your side effects from the meds will subside soon. I to have the dizziness sensations and feel like im going to fall at times when out. I've never fallen so agree with the person earlier, Paula I think that it's a sensation due to panic and stress rather than anything else. The fact that your at work and continuing to put yourself in these situations is a real benefit long term albeit at times it wont feel like that :yesyes:

02-04-11, 15:13

I have just registered this morning and have suffered on and off with anxiety for the last 13 years, but have never been on a site like this but finally feel like it's time to hear what other people the same as myself are going through and see if I can get advice and give advice.
I think I can probably help alot as I have been through quite a lot over the years. I also take Citalopram and take it of an evening as found when I first took it that it could make me drowsy!

12-04-11, 12:09
I am starting to feel a bit better now. I moved upto 20mg last night and all that seems to have done is made me really tired! Another strange thing that has happened is that I seem to get really sick and dizzy in the car, i think it has brought on some travel sickness!