View Full Version : is tingling an anxiety symptom??

31-03-11, 20:36
i have a tingling in my left leg since yesterday and now its on my right elbow and back! im getting so worked up over this and i so dont want to! and also my lips tingle a little! am i thinking about it too much and making it seem worse? i thought it would go away wen i woke up this morning :weep: now im even more convinced than ever i have MS oh dear god :weep:

31-03-11, 21:17
Hi Missy Kat,

I get tingling in my face and my lips sometimes, it is due to anxiety. We talked about it at my support group and lots of people had experienced the same thing. try not to worry. It is perfectley normal!

05-06-11, 21:36
I get tingling across my shoulder blades and in my fingers, I google'd (stupidly) and jeeze it did not help one bit!!

I guess, if lots of other people with HA get it, that its the norm :(..

06-06-11, 08:40
i have tinglng too got in my left hand today, so straight away worry having a heart attack.

macc noodle
06-06-11, 09:36
Mmmmm - have got a tingly face and head and left arm today - stupid old anxiety - it will pass and yours will too xxxxxxxxxxxx

06-06-11, 19:14
me too - anxiety