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View Full Version : Post Traumatic Stress?! Why can I not get over this?

31-03-11, 22:03
Ok, to most of you this will probably sound like a really immature problem to worry about...
I fell out with my best friend (both 19) wayyyy back on the 30th October (its a long story) Well, at first she was ok with me (the morning after) then gradually her texts became more and more blunt until she stopped all together. A few days after she stopped texting me I had to escape, so I left my home near Nottingham to go and stay with my other friend near London to clear my head. She didn't say a word until about the 4th of November and this was to say "what difference will time make?" that day I went home. I spoke on the phone to her that night and she was blunt to begin with but then as I got upset sweetened up abit. But after that she became blunt again for about a week. but spoke every so often. I was so stressed out at this point, and wanted to die.

Basically we are even better friends now, months later. However still everyday I have flash backs and what I think are panic attacks. Why am I stuck and why can't I get over it?! Can people get Post Traumatic Stress from social problems like this?

01-04-11, 01:10
No. Pts is caused by more serious things than this... trauma, accident, war... yours was just a life-experience that maybe because of your anxiety you didn't cope with very well..

01-04-11, 01:16
No this is not PTSD.

11-04-11, 22:03
Actually....while it's probably not - until someone else can get into your heart and your head no one can know the physical and mental effects that something, even something that may seem trivial to someone else, then they can't say whether you are suffering because of this. It also may be a trigger from something else that has seriosuloy affected you.

11-04-11, 22:43
maybe this experience is smiler to something that happened in your childhood? could explain why the feeling are very intense or you may have a fear of abandonment.

11-04-11, 22:54

I am glad you are rebuilding your friendship, it is difficult once your trust in someone has been compromised. This is an axiety related response possibly stemming from earlier experiences that you have had.

It isn't PTSD but that does not mean it is not difficult for you to contend with. You obviously care a great deal for your friend and I hope that you manage to get your friendship back on track and manage to put this experience behind you and carry on towards a happier and less stressful future.
